𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉ℯ𝓇 XX

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Minho walked into his room, falling down on the bed. He had just finished gun practice, but before that he had been taking care of documents and files for hours. Times like these were when the younger was on his mind the most. How a single hug from him could recharge all his energy. Pushing himself off the bed, Minho made his way towards the balcony connected to his room. The stars were shining bright, bringing a warm smile onto his face. "I miss you", he said in a low voice, hoping the stars would convey his message. Quiet footsteps coming from below broke him out of his daze, as he noticed someone sneaking out the front gate. Minho squinted his eyes, taking note of the shiny black hair, and only one person came to mind. 

Seungmin stood on the bridge, thinking to himself as to why he even showed up. Was it a bad idea? He barely knew the boy, what if he's some creep? Should he just leave? That seemed like the safest option. Just as Seungmin was about to turn back, he was caught between two arms. "Weren't thinking about leaving, were you pup?". He was swiftly turned around, locking eyes with the black haired male, their faces inches away. His breath hitched as Hyunjin pulled him closer by the waist, "Hm?". Clearing his throat, he pulled himself further away, quickly looking around at the beautiful view. 

The water below reflected the bright city lights and the full moon. "Why did you want to meet here?", Seungmin asked out of genuine curiosity. Hyunjin walked towards the edge of the bridge, looking up at the sky. He closed his eyes as a small breeze blew against his face, "Come here". Seungmin did as told, walking towards the edge. Just then, Hyunjin leaned over the railing, his feet stepping one level above the ground, causing the younger to panic. "What are you doing? Get down!". Letting out a giggle, he looked down at the worried boy. 

Getting off the railing, he walked over to the younger, "Do you trust me?". Seungmin was hesitant to answer, but soon enough gave a slow nod. Hyunjin took hold of the younger's hands bringing him closer towards the railing, and without a warning lifted him up into the same position he was in earlier. Seungmin held onto the railing for dear life, but calmed down once feeling Hyunjin's presence behind him. The elder put his feet on either side of the younger's, hands snaking around his waist. "Close your eyes", he whispered close to Seungmin's ear. 

Taking a deep breath, he closed his eyes. His heartbeat quickened, not because he was nervous, not because he was anxious, but by the euphoric feeling. The feeling of wind blowing through his hair, hearing the river below, the gust of a few cars zooming by, the moon shining upon him, those hands around his waist. Who knew it would be this easy to feel alive? A big smile spread across Seungmin's face as he threw his arms in the air, slightly leaning his head onto Hyunjin's shoulder as the elder quickly brought his hands to hold onto the railings to keep them steady. 

"How does it feel?" Hyunjin asked, glancing at Seungmin who's eyes remained closed. "Amazing", he let out in a whisper. "That's your answer". Seungmin shifted his head slightly towards the elder, looking up at him as his head rested onto his shoulder, "Answer for what?". Hyunjin looked down at the boy who looked even more like a puppy with those curious eyes. "You asked why I brought you here, this is why, because it feels amazing. Whenever I have a lot on my mind, I come here. I close my eyes to shut the world off, only letting in what I feel". 

Seungmin looked at him with a warm gaze. It was as if he was looking at someone out of a fairytale. His silky hair blew away from his forehead, he wore the prettiest smile, the way Seungmin could feel his heartbeat against his back felt so therapeutic. "Why me?", hearing this, Hyunjin slowly opened his eyes, safely turning the boy in his arms around by the waist so they were facing one another. Putting his hands back on the railings, trapping Seungmin between them, He inched forward, scanning the puppy-like boy's features, taking note of how much more elegant he looked with his forehead uncovered. 

"Tell me, did you find me annoying?". Seungmin let out a scoff, "I still do". Hyunjin went closer, "If I asked you out right now, would you say yes?". Seungmin's breath hitched as their faces were only centimeters apart, "Of course not". Hyunjin glanced down at the younger's lips, "Why's that?". Seungmin could feel the breath against his lips, "I don't know you as a person". Hyunjin looked back up, "That's why. You don't want me solely because of my looks, you'd rather get to know me. And what about after you get to know me, would you say yes then?", Hyunjin whispered against his lips. 

Seungmin had enough, he grabbed the elder's face, crashing their lips together. Not expecting this, the elder quickly got rid of the shock, deepening the kiss by slightly tilting his head. Their heartbeat was faster than the cars passing by on the highway, each subtle touch felt hotter than the stars above. After a few seconds, Seungmin pushed him away by the chest, letting his hands rest there, "You'll have to wait and see", and with that, he pushed Hyunjin off, carefully getting down himself as well. 

The two stood in front one another in silence, simply gazing into the other's eyes. Adrenaline ran through their body, as this was something they shouldn't have been doing. Hyunjin was forbidden to fall in love due to his job, Seungmin was forbidden to fall in love as his parents had planned his engagement with a business partner's daughter, but all that made what they had even more special. Two people going against the rules, together, for love. 

Hyunjin took hold of the younger's hands, swinging them a bit, "I'm not very good at waiting, so how about a date tomorrow night?". Seungmin slightly smiled, but that quickly turned into a pout, "I have work until 10pm tomorrow". Hyunjin let out a chuckle, finding the boy's pout adorable, "I'll pick you up, night dates are my thing anyway". A smile found its way onto Seungmin's lips once again, as he went close to the elder's ear. "Don't be late, I'm a punctual person. Being late on the first date is an immediate turn-off", and with a quick peck on the cheek, he left a blushing Hyunjin who stood there holding his cheek. 

Still having a wide grin, Hyunjin opened the mansion's front door, walking up to his room. What he wasn't expecting to see was Minho leaning against his bedroom door, arms crossed and a raised brow. Letting out a nervous giggle, the younger slowly opened his door, Minho walking in soon after. With a content sigh, Hyunjin fell onto his bed, throwing his arms above him. "Hyung...I'm lovestruck". At this, the elder let out a sigh, taking a seat on the bed. Despite hoping it wouldn't be true, he had expected this to be the reason the younger had been going out more often, coming home acting all shy.

"And to whose misfortune?". Hyunjin sat up, glaring at the elder, but that quickly faded as the thoughts of the puppy-like boy filled his mind. "Kim Seungmin", he said in a dreamy voice, instigating Minho to make a somewhat disgusted face. "Enough of that, loverboy, listen to me". Hearing a more serious tone Hyunjin turned towards Minho. "Hyun, I don't want what happened to me happen to you, but on top of that I'm sure you want nothing to happen to that boy". Hyunjin quickly shook his head, looking down at the mattress, "I'll be more careful, I won't let anything happen to him". With a warm smile, Minho gave him a pat on the shoulder before leaving the room. That night, he thought long and hard about what the elder had said. He wasn't like Minho, willing to leave his love to protect him, no. He would do anything to ensure their love was protected. Alas, at times, the only protection one can offer is a goodbye.

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