𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉ℯ𝓇 LI

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Knocks on the large mansion door echoed through the empty halls. A few guards opened it up, leading the guests into one of the living rooms. Chan walked in first, followed by the two other officers right behind. He held Han Jina's body, walking in on the man sitting on a couch, Felix and Hyunjin standing right beside with a gun pointed straight at them. Minho suspiciously eyes them down, as to show he was unaware of the unconscious body being brought towards him. 

"Chief, what exactly is it that you have brought us?". Chan told the two behind to stand on guard, before walking up to Master Lee. "After a careful discussion with my team, we had decided to take on Lee Minho's offer, and what better way to show our trust than to bring the one thing getting in your way", he carefully set her down on the large table directly in front of the couch the father and son were sitting. 

"I offer you Han Jina as a symbol of our trust". He took a step back, his eyes not once faltering, even when the eyes of the devil pierced into his. He leaned back on the large couch with crossed arms, looking down at the woman laying there without any sign of movement. "How exactly were you able to succeed in bringing her here?", he asked with obvious suspicion in his voice. 

"We had sent one of our trusted officers into her building in the name of a meeting, he drugged her drink, and she was then brought out the building through emergency exits and over to my police station. I informed Lee Minho, which leads to where we are at the very moment". The man's doubt seemed to die down, as he simply let his eyes rest upon the body in front. Jisung lifted his head the slightest, his eyes glaring at the man, his hands trembling at the sight of him looking at his mom as if she was some sort of prey. 

The control he had was drifting away, this man who brought tears and pain to not only him, but those he loved. He shifted his gaze to the side at the sense of someone looking at him, and in that instant his glare softened, his hands calmed themselves, and he was reminded what this was all for. He looked down at Minho's lips as he mouthed I love you, to which he simply looked down once again to hide the peeking smile. 

Minho stood up from the couch, and as if it were some sort of signal Hyunjin walked out the mansion in a calm manner, but once the door shut behind him, he rushed to the car, driving off at a rapid speed. "Father, let's take her to the warehouse. It's far off from any nearby houses, and there are equipments that will make this job easier" Minho suggested, earning a nod from the man sitting. 

Although confused as to why Minho had said warehouse instead of basement, Felix stuck to the plan. "Sir, I will grab your pistol from your office" he said while lowering his own gun but one the men behind Chan followed the freckled boy, keeping his own gun on him at all times. "Allow my partner to follow him to the office to ensure safety and trust" Chan demanded more so than asked. Everyone, including Han Jina, were confused at the sudden change of location. Initially, the plan would take action in the mansion basement, so why was Minho suddenly changing it to the warehouse? Nonetheless, they knew he must have had his reasons, and the plan would work just fine despite the location, so they weren't too concerned.

Felix kept his serious demeanor, but once that office door closed behind him he dropped everything and ran into the arms of his lover. Changbin threw his gun to the floor catching the younger in his arms, stumbling back a bit. He let out a deep sigh, leaving a few kisses on top the younger's blonde hair. Felix looked up, still within his embrace, pulling the elder's mask down, going in for a kiss full of longing and love. 

Even a few days without each other felt like forever. Their lips slow danced together before pulling away, resting their foreheads against each other. Changbin opened his eyes to the sight of his boyfriend beaming his beautiful smile with closed eyes. "I missed you princess", he whispered as a tear ran down the younger's cheek. "I missed you too Binnie, so so much", he went in for one last kiss before lifting his mask back up, going over to the large office desk. 

He had to work quick. Swiftly, he took out the ammo out of both guns before scrummaging through the drawers. The documents he was looking for obtained all the illegal trades and deals the man had made, those along with other voice recordings, were the primary evidence they planned on using against him, they needed them. "Are they there?" Changbin asked in a low voice, being on guard just in case someone walked in. 

Felix continued looking through the many drawers, he could've sworn they were there the last time he checked. A few moments later the door swung open, Changbin quickly held his gun up to the boy, as Felix stood still with both guns in one hand. "Sorry sir, one of the guns was missing ammo, I was refilling it". The man looked at this spy, and then at the masked stranger. "Very well, we will be leaving now, come quick", he stated before walking out the office. Felix let out a deep breath, gripping onto the documents he hid behind his back. He handed them over to Changbin, leaving one last peck over his mask before running after the man. 

"Father, Felix along with one of Bang Chan's men will drive you there, I will be in a separate car with Bang Chan himself, his other partner, along with Han Jina". The man nodded, "If she is to gain consciousness, I order to kill her on spot" he demanded before walking off to the black car, as Minho and the two others walked into the white one. Minho carefully watched as the black car went out of sight before turning towards the boy in the passenger seat, both going in for a tight embrace. 

Jisung pulled away first, cupping the elder's face. "Hi hyung", he giggled. Minho simply let out a chuckle, leaving a few quick pecks on his lips. "Guys, not to you know disturb this beautiful beautiful moment, but I think you should press on that gas". Minho rolled his eyes, "You disturbed the moment" he mumbled, before doing as told, and soon enough they were tailing the black car. "Mind letting us know why the sudden change of location? Thought we were gonna do it in the mansion's basement?" Chan asked, not at all sounding upset or betrayed, rather confused and understanding. 

"Figured it would be harder for him to call for backup, and in case he did, it would take them longer to arrive. I had thought of this last minute, which is why I was unable to inform all of you except for Hyunjin and Jeongin". The three nodded, completely understanding that this was the better alternative. "So that's why he left in the middle", Jisung mumbled more so to himself. "And.." Minho continued, glancing to the side, "It's where he took my love away. It's only fair that I take everything away from him as he did to me". 

Jisung smiled a rather bittersweet smile, thinking back to the horrifying day. He took hold of the hand that was gripping the gear, "He didn't take anyone away, I'm here now, but it won't be the same for him. He'll never get back what was once his, never". The two wanted to stop everything right then and there, and simply be within one another's embrace, but it was too early just yet. In a few hours though, it would all be different.

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