𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉ℯ𝓇 XXXV

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Around 30 minutes later everyone had finished off with a full stomach. Not realizing it wasn't too smart of a decision to eat before actually taking the rides, they settled on playing a few games at the stalls first. "Binnie! I want that duck!", Felix jumped up and down, pointing at a large duck squishmellow hanging off one of the stalls. Just then, a large squirrel squishmellow caught Jisung's eye at the same stall, "Hyung can you try getting me that squirrel plushie?". He looked up with puppy eyes, how could Minho possibly say no to that face. 

And just like that, the two older boyfriends had found themselves glaring at one another after betting on who would be able to get the plushie first. Seungmin, Hyunjin, Jisung were rooting for Minho whereas Jeongin, Chan, and Felix were rooting for Changbin. The game was called 'Skee Ball' in which each player would roll a ball up a sloped ramp, attempting for the ball to reach the various holes, some with higher points and some with lower, depending on the hole. 

The host blew the whistle, cueing the two to start rolling the balls up the ramp, and the cheering from behind began. Jeongin let out dolphin-like squeals, catching Chan's attention. He couldn't stop admiring the younger's dimples, his beautiful smile, and the way his eyes shined like the warm rays of the Autumn sun above. The happiness he radiated was so contagious, it was though he felt it was his responsibility to protect it. 

Jeongin felt like someone was looking at him, and instinctively turned his head to the right, looking straight at Chan who simply shot him a smile, to which he quickly returned with an even wider one, and an additional blush. They gazed at each other for a bit before the younger turned his attention back to the game, continuing to cheer them on. It seemed as though Changbin was winning at first, causing Felix to let out loud squeals, but that changed as the game neared its end as Minho desperately tried his best, and those efforts played off once the host blew the whistle again, congratulating Minho and asking him which of the giant plushies he wanted. 

Felix put on a pout, running over to a sulking Changbin and engulfing him in a tight hug, "It's okay Binnie! You'll get the next one for sure!". Hyunjin let out a laugh, skipping over to the sulking male, "You tried so hard, and for what?". Changbin clenched his jaw, threatening Hyunjin with a punch to the arm, trying to contain his laugh, realizing he probably looked crazy as he desperately tried winning a game meant for children. 

Jisung ran up to Minho, as the elder pulled him in by wrapping an arm around his shoulder "Which one did you want again?". He thought for a moment, before pointing up at the squirrel squishmellow, "That one". The host took the plushie off, handing it to a smiling Jisung, "Thank you!". As the two walked away, he stuffed the squishmellow towards the elder, "For you". Minho confusingly took it, "Me?". "Mhm! So you won't get lonely when you have to leave! If you ever miss me, just hug the plushie, it'll be like you're hugging me, cause you always said I looked like a squirrel" he rambled on, before running away to his friends who were already at another stall. Minho looked down at the squishmellow before hugging it close to his chest, letting out a small chuckle, "The things you do to me, Han Jisung". 

Finally, two hours later, when the sun had just set, coloring the sky in the most beautiful shades of pink and purple, it was time for the best part, rides. They were all in line for a rollercoaster, one that wasn't as fast as the rest, given that the other one's are extremely speedy, rather it had high steeps and sloops. "This one is a two seater, so claim a partner" Seungmin called out, right before reaching the entry. "I claim Binnie!" Felix exclaimed, clinging onto his boyfriend's arm. 

Jisung looked over at Minho, who hadn't taken his eyes off the ground, a few droplets of sweat dripped down from his forehead, "Hyung, are you okay?". He finally tore his eyes away from the concrete, looking over at the concerned boy giving him a smile and a small nod. "Wanna ride this one with me?". "Of course", he replied. "I guess I'll take it with him" Seungmin mumbled, looking over at a grinning Hyunjin. "Don't act like you don't want to baby" he cooed, getting his face pushed away. 

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