𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉ℯ𝓇 XXIII

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Jisung woke up with a big yawn, throwing his legs off the bed, wobbling over to the bathroom with half closed eyes. He took a quick shower before making his way to the wardrobe closet that was settled in the corner of his room. A gust of a familiar smelling cologne blew towards him as he opened the cabinet, instinctively closing his eyes. The clothes Minho had brought over at Jisung's were still there, causing a stinging sensation in Jisung's heart. 

In the past few months, he hadn't laid a single eye on anything belonging to the elder, it was far too painful, the memories replayed in his head as his laugh echoed through his mind. Taking hold of one of the hoodies, Jisung brought it towards his face, the faded scent that once brought comfort was now bringing tears, but he decided to hold them back. Despair is a feeling Jisung was ready to put behind him, it's what he himself truly wanted, and what Minho would want. 

He slipped the hoodie on along with a pair of baggy dark blue jeans, not forgetting to wear the scarf Minho had bought him. He looked around the room, just now realizing how much of Minho was in it. His clothes, his cologne, his pictures, his notes, his headphones, the laptop he used only to store pictures of Jisung, his weights, the water bottle he would take out on morning jogs, his cook books, the extra pillow he bought since he couldn't sleep with just one, his scent. 

Jisung walked out the bedroom and into the kitchen, all the pans, utensils, and aprons still there, in the living room hung polaroids of the two, the fluffy cat rug Minho bought saying it would look perfect under their coffee table. His whole apartment had hints of Minho, and all of it was bringing back memories Jisung buried deep within, but this time, he smiled. 

School started in 30 minutes, not giving Jisung enough time to walk, so he quickly ran to the bus station, hopping on the last one that would take him to college. Barely making it on time, Jisung ran to his class, swinging the door open. He took a few moments to catch his breath before making his way up to the two friends who were giving him a concerned look. "Your hair is a mess", Seungmin took note of the brown strands pointing in random directions. Turning Jisung towards him, he fixed his disheveled hair up. "Thanks, I almost missed the bus so I ran there, and then I was almost late to class, so I ran here". 

As the squirrel-like boy explained his situation, Felix looked down at what his friend was wearing, a warm smile forming on his face. It was completely different from his usual light colored outfits, rather it was exactly what someone else he knew would wear. In a sudden, he pulled Jisung into a tight hug, causing the squirrel-like boy to let out a yelp. "I'm so happy to have you as a friend Sungie". Jisung's expression changed into a small smile, giving a few pats on the clingy boy's back, "Me too Lix". "MINNIE JOIN THE HUG!", Felix exclaimed as he extended his arms out from the other side of Jisung. Rolling his eyes, Seungmin joined in on the random hug, the two squishing a suffocating Jisung between them. 

After class had ended, Felix bid his goodbye, forcefully, as the two others walked outside on the campus. "Sung, I have a question", Jisung curiously looked over at Seungmin. "Originally I was going to ask the two of you together, but now that I think about it I'd rather not", this only furthered Jisung's curiosity, "Ask away". 

Taking a deep breath, "Remember the person I told you about?". Jisung thought for a moment, "The one you went on a date with?", earning a small nod from the puppy-like boy. "He wants to meet up with you two at my cafe once my shift ends". After not hearing a response, Seungmin looked over at a wide eyed grinning squirrel, "Don't scream!". Jisung instantly slapped his hands over his mouth, squealing into them. "Gosh If you're like this I'm too scared to tell that ball of energy", he sighed, referring to Felix. "It's happening! I'm finally meeting the man who made a loveless loner like you fall in love!", Jisung shook his friend's arm as Seungmin simply rolled his eyes. 

Felix, like always, was waiting outside the classroom of his two friends for around 10 minutes before they were dismissed. "You look excited...a little too excited", Felix suspiciously eyed Jisung, who looked like he was about to explode. "What is it!? I wanna be excited too!". Jisung looked towards Seungmin, "Exactly! What is it Seungmin?", rolling his eyes, the boy walked faster, hearing rushed footsteps coming after him. "I'll tell you once we're at the cafe". Putting on a pout, Felix let out a whine, "I can't wait another 5 minutes! Just tell me~". Deciding on ignoring his whining friend, Seungmin put his airpods in, feeling subtle punches being thrown at his back and occasional arm shaking. 

After around 5 minutes of pure torture, they walked into the cafe, ordering a few things before taking a seat at their usual table. "My head is about to explode out of curiosity, so you better hurry". Felix and Jisung took a seat opposite of Seungmin, who was now regretting choosing to say what he was about to in a public setting. "Jisung, cover his mouth", doing as instructed, Jisung slapped a hand over the already squealing boy. "The person I told you about asked to meet you two after my shift ends tonight-" Felix jumped in his seat, clapping his hands together letting out loud squeals despite his mouth being covered. Jisung let out small giggles as Seungmin simply shook his head. 

After 5 minutes of excitement coming from the two friends, they finally settled down. "We should at least know things about him before actually meeting him!", Jisung nodded his head to Felix's suggestion, the two looking directly at the boy in front of them. "He's definitely nervous to meet you both, so go easy on him, and that means no yelling, squealing, or throwing weird questions at him, such as which Korean actor he finds hottest or if we've done anything weird", he sternly said, directing that last statement towards Felix, who let out a guilty chuckle. 

"He might seem intimidating at first, but he's such a child. He's clumsy, gets nervous easier than you'd think, oh and annoyingly clingy like you Lix". The two fondly admired Seungmin talking. They'd never seen his eyes shining the way they were now, his expression was softened, a smile was on his face as he complained about the boy. "You missed the most important part, his name silly!" Felix exclaimed, awaiting to finally put a name on this miracle of a man. Seungmin smiled, "Hwang Hyunjin".

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