𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 VII

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"You know, I was thinking how easy it would be to kidnap me". Felix was currently over at Jisung's place after begging his boyfriend to take him to see his friend. It had been around a month since they met, yet grew extremely close within that short span of time. They would constantly facetime each other, talking about the randomest of topics. "And why is that?", Jisung questioned, who was currently being forced to put his hair into two pigtails. "If someone drew a circle on the floor as a trap, I would walk into it, no questions asked".

Felix finished up Jisung's hair that now had two ponytails sticking out the top of his head. "For someone who has an officer as a boyfriend, you're not very smart", Minho muttered, but was heard by the three, making two of them laugh, but one upset. "I came here for Sungie not your rude, unneeded, useless, remarks". The smaller boy scoffed, crossing his arms, causing Jisung to giggle at his friend's behavior. "I missed you, you little dummy", the two friends turned towards each other, starting another one of their conversations, such as who the better Mario kart player is, or who the better cuddler is, or who would most likely start a fire from cooking.

The two older boys simply stared at their boyfriends, admiring the smallest details. "So how'd you two meet?", Minho asked Changbin, curious as to how their story started. "There's a bridge across the police station I work at. Found him sitting on the bridge when I got off work, looking down". Minho's eyes slightly widened, immediately looking at Changbin. "I ran to him, literally throwing him to the ground", Changbin let out a chuckle as he recalled the memory from a year ago. "I remember yelling at him for like 5 minutes straight and then...". Minho raised an eyebrow, confused as to why he was turning a deep shade of red. "he kissed me, I mean because I wouldn't stop scolding him, but that kiss did so much more than just shutting me up."

Minho unconsciously smiled hearing their story, it was beautiful, just like his own. "So, was Felix just sitting there or..?", Minho hesitantly asked, not wanting to touch a sensitive topic. "Turns out he sat there often, just cause he liked the view, but he did mention thinking about, you know...", Minho instantly got what the younger meant as he put a hand on his shoulder, giving it a small squeeze. "He seems to have gotten too obsessed to go anywhere now". Changbin let out a dry chuckle at Minho's attempt of comforting him, nonetheless he was grateful to both Jisung and Minho, they made Felix happy, and that was the thing Changbin loved seeing the most.

"His family's actually really rich, his grandpa is the dean of Seoul National University." Speechless, Minho simply stared at Changbin, "but due to running so many businesses, his parents never had any time for him, so he moved to Korea wanting an escape". The elder realized he and Felix were similar in many ways, slowly growing a soft spot for the younger.

"So have you guys, you know, done the deed yet?", Jisung's eyes shot open as he slapped his hand onto Felix's mouth. "No you dirty minded fairy in disguise!". The younger of the two struggled getting Jisung's hand off his mouth, "I was just asking! You being this defensive definitely means something happened, I mean he literally lives with you now so-", Felix abruptly got up, knowing he was about to get another slap to the mouth. The two ran around the apartment, one chasing and the other being chased.

"Wonder what Felix said this time", Changbin calmly spoke, used to seeing the two having their occasional 'wanting to murder each other' phase. "Jisung gets flustered easily, could have been anything". Minho smirked at the thought of all the times he made Jisung get all worked up over the smallest thing, subtle touches, sudden kisses, back hugs, calling him angel. "So how'd you two get close? I know you met at his convenience store, but how'd it get from employee-customer to lovers?".

Minho thought about Changbin's question, he thought hard, but a straightforward answer wasn't coming into his mind. Truth is, their love was never straightforward, it wasn't a gradual type of love, where two people met and slowly fell for each other, it was attraction at first sight. "It just kind of happened. The second I looked into his eyes, I knew it was him, the one I wanted to protect, the one I wanted to give my forever to."

Minho looked towards Changbin after hearing a small sniffle, "Are you crying!?". The elder of the two hysterically started laughing, something that finally made Jisung stop chasing Felix. It was a laugh he had never heard from Minho, and it was a laugh he definitely wanted- no needed, a laugh he definitely needed to hear again. "Stop laughing! You say all that sentimental shit and then laugh like it wasn't your fault you heartless jerk". Changbin angrily let out, wiping those tears he regret letting out.

This only caused Minho to once again let out that laugh. Felix looked over at his friend, noticing the very apartment blush on his face. "All right Binnie, I think I've had enough of being chased". The younger skipped over to his boyfriend, who was nearly about to attack Minho who was still laughing. "And I've had enough of being laughed at, cya Jisung", the flustered boy finally looked away from his boyfriend, waving goodbye to the two, before going over to lock the door.

Just as he was about to turn around, a pair of arms found their way around Jisung's waist, causing the younger to jump a little. "You're really sensitive to touch, you know?". Jisung let out a scoff, still blushing from the elder's laugh and now the sudden back hug. "Not just anyone's touch, only yours". Minho left a small kiss on the younger's neck, "Good". Jisung turned around, still being trapped between his boyfriend's arms. He went onto his tiptoes, pecking the elder's lips before running over to his room.

Minho stood there, intrigued yet used to the sudden action. Jisung would often kiss him when flustered, then run into his room, bathroom, kitchen, or wherever the elder wasn't, and Minho found it absolutely adorable. Night came around and Minho had informed Jisung he would be back the next day. It had been a little more than a month since the two had gotten together, and ever since then Minho spent almost every night with the younger. Despite being curious, Jisung never questioned where he went the night's they didn't spend together, knowing he would get an answer one day.

"Young Master, he heard about it, how you stabbed that man in the convenience store. He knows where you live, you'll need to find another living space for the time being", a voice spoke up through the other side of the phone as Minho quickly packed his belongings from his luxury studio apartment. "I have a place to stay, I'll text you the address. Just in case something happens, you know where to find me". He picked up both luggages, one in each hand, as he walked out the apartment, giving it one last look before leaving for good. Shifting from apartment to apartment wasn't new to him, in fact he had to do it often, so he wouldn't be found. "Young master, he knows there was someone involved in this, someone you stabbed that man for, he's unaware of who, for now". Minho halted in his steps, "I'll send you his details, make sure nothing, and I mean nothing happens to him". Minho hung up, making his way back to his car so he could finally go home.

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