𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉ℯ𝓇 XVIII

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The next day rolled around and Jisung had spent it indoors, working on some assignments or creating random scenarios for when he becomes an actual police officer. Yesterday's good news still hadn't worn off, and he couldn't wait to share it with his friends, so that leads to where he is right now, waiting for them to arrive any moment. Just then a few knocks were heard on the front door, similar to the one Anna gave to Elsa and then a voice was heard on the other side, "Sungie~ do you wanna build a snowman?" Jisung let out a giggle, letting his friends in. "Lix, it's almost spring" Seungmin mumbled. 

Changbin had decided to tag along as he didn't have work today, and was the only one who knew about Jisung getting the internship since Chan had already told him. Once they were all seated, Jisung stood in front of the couch, "So, I have news!". "Yes! Gimme the tea", Felix exclaimed looking a little too happy, so Changbin gently held him down, giving small strokes on his back to settle him down. "Uh well, it's not tea, but it is good news! I.." he paused for a dramatic effect. "got accepted as an intern at the Bang police force!". 

Of course Felix let out a squeal and tackled him to the ground, while Seungmin silently celebrated the happy occasion giving a wide grin. "Yaaaay I'm so happy for you I could cry!". Jisung felt a few pecks on his cheek but let his friend do whatever he wanted, since he was in a good mood. "Congratulations Sung, it's a great opportunity and it'll look great on future resumes", Seungmin stated, prying Felix off Jisung. 

"Chan hyung told me yesterday, and that his father interviewed you. It's one thing getting in through a normal interview, but if Chief Bang's the one who accepted you that's a really big deal Ji", Changbin smiled at the younger, feeling proud to have someone as smart and caring as Jisung as a possible coworker. "Heh, I guess", he mumbled, earning a squish on the cheek from Felix. "I'm literally the luckiest hooman alive! I have a hot boyfriend and smart friends, what more could someone ask for". 

A few knocks coming from the front door caused Felix to detach himself from Jisung, running over to open it. "Channie hyung!", Jisung heard from the living room, watching as Chan walked in with Felix clinging onto him like a koala. "Hey Lix" he chuckled, walking into the living room. "Hi Sung! Hey bin, and oh? Who's this?", he stopped once his eyes landed on Seungmin. "Hello, I'm Kim Seungmin. My father works under your father's police force, so I've seen you around". 

Chan thought for a moment before his eyes lit up. "Oooo officer Kim's son! Yeah he's a great man, really kind. You both look similar, somewhat like a puppy" he cooed, reaching forward to ruffle Seungmin's neatly set hair and if looks could kill, Chan would be dead by now. "-oh nevermind", he quickly retracted his hand. "Yeah, this puppy bites, beware", Jisung chuckled. 

"Say, where's Minho? Thought you told me he lived here a while back?". Jisung's heart felt a pang hearing this, as he looked down at the ground, and the rest got tense. Chan could easily tell something had happened, and this was a sensitive topic, but given how there were some polaroids of the two attached on the wall, they couldn't have broken up. Nonetheless he quickly let it go, giving Jisung's head a few pats. "Hey, it's alright. Let's just get to what I came here for, yeah?" Looking up, he gave the elder a small smile and a nod, and felt extremely thankful for him not pushing it further. 

"Channie hyung, why are you here anyways?", Felix spoke up. "I've come to let Jisung know what he'll be doing as an intern, since he'll be working for me". This caused Felix's happiness to skyrocket, "This means we'll probably be seeing you more often too!". The rest weren't really sure how Jisung working under Chan meant they could see him more, nonetheless they agreed, not wanting to put a cloud over the sunshine. 

"As this is a six month paid internship, it won't be too much, it'll just be basic training, you'll be following me around, seeing how things work. Once the time comes, you can apply for an actual position as an officer, that's when you'll get into the harder, more intense training, and after that we'll see where you fit best", Chan explained, Jisung nodding in understandment. He was a little nervous since the whole concept of becoming an officer seemed really scary and vigorous, but he was up for it. 

"So when do I start?". Chan thought for a moment, bringing his fingers up to his chin, "Given that you only have morning classes...you'll be coming in Monday through Friday from 4-8pm, starting this coming Monday, sounds good?", Jisung nodded with a wide grin. "Thank you Chan hyung, for everything". The elder reached out to ruffle his hair, "Anything for you Sung". He gazed at the younger in admiration with soft eyes, he was so cheerful and optimistic, but something was off, and it might be what he thinks. 

That time when Minho got arrested for stabbing the man in the convenience store, Chan had taken him to his police force for questioning, and put him in one of their personal jail cells. Despite Chan being prohibited to engage with Minho, they had grown quite close within the 3 weeks he was in there. Minho wasn't one who would typically go around being friendly with officers, but Chan had something in him. Might it be sympathy, or the way he was so understanding, or the way he could talk to Minho normally and set aside the fact he had committed a crime. 

That day when Chan was bringing Minho over to the convenience store Jisung worked at after being released, he had told the elder something. Something that stuck with Chan, and it was to protect Jisung in case he was gone. Although now, he wasn't sure why he was gone, the thing Minho said stuck with him, and protecting Jisung was now a responsibility he willingly wanted to take on, for the sake of his friend. 

"Channie hyung~!" Felix yelled for the 3rd time, finally catching his attention. "Oh- sorry! Yes Lix?". He jumped over to Chan, clinging onto his arm, "How about you stay for dinner? We were all planning on ordering fried chicken and watching a movie!". Jisung and Seungmin looked over at their friend in confusion, "We were?", they asked simultaneously. "Yes, yes we were". Chan looked at Jisung for confirmation and he shrugged, giving a small smile. It would be nice getting closer with Chan and simply spending time with loved ones. "Well then I'd love to". 

So that's how the rest of the night was spent, in laughter and bonding, creating new memories with the people who brought him happiness and joy in a world where he thought he'd lost everything, but if truth be told, one never truly loses everything, sometimes it takes a deeper dive to find that missing thing, but in Jisung's case, that missing thing came to him, his friends came to him. 

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