𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉ℯ𝓇 LV

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Soon enough they had arrived, and Mrs.Han was the first to get out the car and run in, whereas Minho lingered behind. She gently opened the door, looking over at the sleeping boys, Hyunjin included, before walking up to her son who was wide awake looking out the small hospital window, watching the sky light up in shades of purple and pink as the sun was setting.

Lost in thought, he was unaware of the presence beside him. "Jisung dear", she softly spoke to not startle the boy. He turned his head to the side, smiling up at his mom. "Hey mom", his voice still a bit hoarse. "How're you feeling?". He let out a sigh, "About as good as someone who got shot," he chuckled lightly. She shook her head with a small smile, "I mean it is a bit of sad brag, no? I feel like there'll be an opportunity where you'll be able to use 'Well I got shot' to your advantage". The mother-son duo let out a small fit of laughter at that.

"You gave us all a bit of a fright," she spoke gently stroking his hair. His eyes averted from the tearful ones he was receiving. "That man...I wanted to arrest him myself", he started. "Hey, there's still a chance. After his and Minho's court hearing, you can be the one to throw him into his forever home". At that, Jisung looked up in confusion "...Minho's court hearing? Why does Minho hyung have a court hearing?"

Han Jina mentally cursed herself, realizing Jisung was still unaware of the situation that had occurred  after he fell unconscious. As if on cue, Minho walked into the room, and if someone were to describe Jisung in that moment, they would say his face lit up as bright as the sun, his eyes glimmered as if they were the brightest star in cloudless midnight sky, and his smile warmer than the fireplace you'd sit in front of on a cold winter day.

Their eyes met and spoke words their mouths would never be able to. "I'll leave the explaining to him," she whispered, walking over to the sleeping boys, gently shaking them awake. "I think it'd be best to move your slumber party outside". Felix, of course, ran over to his friend first thing. "SUNGIE!". He engulfed the injured boy in a tight hug, evoking a painful groan from him.

"SORRY!". He quickly pulled away, examining his friend. "Hey Felix," he chuckled, looking over to Seungmin who stood behind, trying his best to contain tears, but as soon as Jisung held his arms out, they no longer held themselves back. Seungmin walked over, leaning down to gently wrap his arms around the boy's torso. "What an honor to be able to make the Seungmin break into tears," he teased, hearing a mumbled "Shut it".

He pulled away, walking out the room whilst dragging Felix along with him. And now, it was just the two. "Help me up?" Jisung asked, looking at his boyfriend who was simply standing by the door. Minho walked over, gently lifting the boy so he was now leaning against the headboard. Before Minho could pull away, Jisung took hold of his face and held it within his hands. "Look at me Min", he whispered.

Minho hesitantly looked up, his eyes instantly shining with tears. Jisung connected their foreheads, both closing their eyes at that moment. "Gosh Jisung, you've given me countless amounts of scares already, it's about time you stop don't you think?". The younger of the two quietly giggled at that, "It's becoming my thing now". Minho opened his eyes, sending a glare his way, "I'd much prefer it not be your thing".

And with that, Jisung brought his face closer, going in for a few gentle pecks. Minho sat next to the boy on the bed, taking hold of his hands. "What did mom mean when she said your court hearing?" Jisung asked, trying not to sound as though he was scared of the answer, when in reality he was. Minho took a deep breath, "After you got shot, it was just an instinctive response...I shot him back".

Jisung held back a gasp, and remained silent, settling on squeezing the hands that held his own. "He's alive, and we're having a court hearing as soon as he's discharged". Jisung just knew Minho was blaming himself, and himself only in that head of his. "Minmin". The elder looked up hearing the gentle voice call him that ever so familiar nickname. "We all chose to do this. You didn't force any one of us, we did it because we wanted to, because we care for you just as much as you care for us. And if I was given the opportunity to go back in time, I would choose to be with you in that warehouse every single time".

Minho let out a shaky breath, resting his head down on their enlaced hands. "I know you would love, and that's what scares me," he whispered, and Jisung could feel the heat of his breath on his hands. He gently broke a hand free, caressing the elder's soft hair. "I'm here aren't I? I'll always be here, right by your side". Minho lifted his head, taking hold of both the smaller hands within his own once again. "As it always should have been", he whispered.

To everyone's surprise, Jisung was approved to be discharged in the early hours of the next day. Minho was driving the two home, and a comfortable silence had taken place in the car. It was just now hitting the two that in a way, it was all over. That man was no longer of any threat, they were finally free, for the most part. All that's left is for the judge to declare Minho as innocent.

"We're here angel." Minho's voice brought Jisung out of his thoughts, as he was helped out the car. Soonie was at the door before the two had even walked in, meowing at the sight of his two favorite people. Minho picked him up, handing him over to an eager Jisung who wanted nothing more than to smother the cat with cuddles. "Soonie!". The cat purred into his arms, rubbing his head all over the boy.

Minho silently smiled at the sight, walking Jisung over to the couch and seating him down, before making his way over to the kitchen. After eating hospital food, Jisung craved the taste of Minho's delicious meals even more. He admired the elder as he cooked a breakfast for two, and Minho could feel his stare burning holes in his head. "Is there something on my face that has you staring at me like that?", he asked without batting an eye off the food.

"Yes," Jisung answered. "Handsomeness." Minho raised a brow, looking up the smiling boy, wondering where the sudden burst of confidence came from. He made grabby hands at the elder, feeling the sudden need for cuddles. "Food first baby." Well, there goes his confidence. Jisung flushed a deep shade of red and felt his face starting to burn, he'd never been called that before by Minho, but it definitely was something he would not at all mind being called again.

Minho smirked at the sight, knowing that his words would bring about this reaction. "What's wrong baby? Cat got your tongue?" He pushed his limits of teasing, wanting to see just how many shades darker the younger's face could possibly go, but that couldn't be done as Jisung was now hiding his face within his hands, letting out a small whine. "Hyung~". Minho let out a chuckle walking over to the flustered boy, removing his hands and leaving a small peck on his pouting lips, "Breakfast's ready." They shared a lovely breakfast, talking about everything and nothing, and just like that lunch and dinner had passed with delicious meals.

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