𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉ℯ𝓇 L

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Minho walked into the cold office room, sending chills down his spine for more than one reason. "Father, may I speak with you?". The man shifted his attention from the documents to his son, "Take a seat", he gestured towards the chair directly in front. "I have something important to discuss with you regarding business partners" Minho started, hoping he would take it just as well as he did when Felix had brought it up. 

"Go on" he provoked, leaning back into the fancy office chair with both legs and arms crossed. "We have closely been working with the Bang police force for some time now, it would be a shame to simply cut off connections, so I had made the decision to either further our connection, or eliminate them from the picture". The man nodded, remaining oblivious to the fact he had already known this. 

"After having a thorough discussion with Chief Bang, it seems as if he is willing to comply with us in getting rid of Han Jina". The man gave a slow nod this time, as if he was in deep thought. "How are you so sure this Chief Bang won't turn his back on us? He is an officer of the law afterall". Minho gave the man a proud smirk, as if to show he had it all under control. "Which is precisely why I have invited him, and his closest associates over today. Chief Bang said he'll be bringing over a token of trust, they should be arriving in an hour". The man got up from his chair, "Let's get prepared for their arrival", and the two walked out his office room.

"Alright, listen up" Chan spoke loudly, catching the attention of the few people in the office room. They were currently at Han Jina's office, preparing for the meeting. "We're missing Sung", Changbin said after looking around the room. The room currently consisted of Han Jina, Seungmin, Chan, Changbin, Jeongin, and a missing Jisung. "Wouldn't be our Jisung if he wasn't late, huh?" Chan chuckled, earning a few laughs. 

Just then, the door barged open to the sight of a panting Jisung. Holding his knees to catch his breath. He held up a finger, insinuating to give him a moment. "I'm sorry", he let out after a few moments. "I was gonna be here sooner but a few elderly people needed help crossing the road". He walked up to the rest, standing right beside his mother. "That's my son" she proudly stated, turning the boy towards her to fix his hair up a bit. "Thanks mom" he smiled down at her, before turning his attention to the one up front. 

"Now that we're all here, I'm gonna go over the plan one more time, but before that, I just want to say how proud I am of all of you here, and the ones that aren't. There were moments where we all wanted to give up, but we pushed through, and look where we are now. It's gonna be a tough day, but don't give up, just give it your all, and by the end we'll be together, without any worries". He directed his attention to Jisung this time, "Jisung, I've had so many proud dad moments with you". 

The younger let out a chuckle, looking up at his chief with teary eyes. "I've seen you grow through your best and worst, I really am proud of you, I hope you know that", he reciprocated the warm smile with swift nods. "Changbin, wipe those tears, I'm gonna need you to toughen up for this one". Changbin quickly looked away, "Hey! Don't have to expose me like that". The office was filled with laughter and light-hearted jokes, knowing the time to come was going to be one void of such happiness. 

"All right, Minho messaged saying he's good to go on his side, so let's make this quick", Chan once again brought the attention to himself. "Changbin, Jisung, stay by my side at all times, keep your masks on, heads held low, but be sure to not look too suspicious, as far as I think, he won't ask anything about you two as long as I seem convincing enough. Sunshine, we'll drop you off at the warehouse, sound good?". Jeongin gave quick nods with a wide smile, as the two locked eyes, finding it near impossible to obtain the key that would unlock their gaze from one another, or to put it simply, they would rather that key not be found.

Only, the key seemed to be teaseful eyes and smirks that brought the two to finally look away. Chan cleared his throat. "Miss Han, I'm once again so sorry about this, but I'll be carrying your passed out body". She let out a laugh at the deep bow the Chief was giving. "Oh come on, this is children's play for me, I'm enjoying it really, just can't wait to avenge all the lives he's ruined". She turned towards Jisung this time, "Especially my little squirrel's, and Minho of course". 

she gently pinched his cheeks, as Jisung took hold of her hand, giving it a tight squeeze, "I won't let anything happen to you mom, I promise". That's right, the token of trust Bang Chan would be bringing was Han Jina herself, although she won't actually be passed out. The plan is to pretend as if she was drugged, as her body is carried inside the mansion. They go down into the basement to get rid of her for good, and that's where it all goes down. 

Jisung sat in the passenger seat of Chan's interceptor. "Hey sung", Chan interrupted Jisung's thoughts, noticing he seemed to be lost in thought. Jisung turned his head to the side, tilting his head. "You ready?". At that question Jisung let out a deep breath, one he had been holding in. "I'm ready to arrest that man. I've been waiting a little longer than I had hoped, but I'm not ready for anything else. I just don't want anyone to get hurt", he looked down at his lap. 

Chan took hold of his hand, "No ones ready for any of us getting hurt, and no one will be. We just stick to the plan, and it'll all be good, hm?". Jisung sent a grateful smile his way along with a small nod. It just seemed surreal to him. He thought back to the very first time he told Minho he wanted to become an officer, and he accomplished that. He thought back to the time he told Minho he would arrest that man with his own hands, and he can only hope this is something he can soon consider accomplished.

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