𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉ℯ𝓇 XXXI

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Waking up on a Saturday morning to loud knocks on the door when you're in the arms of your lover you haven't seen for years might not be an ideal way to start the morning. Jisung let out a groan, stretching his arms before sitting up in bed with a pout. He quickly turned his head to the side, letting out a sigh of relief once seeing Minho still on the bed, who was still fast asleep, not having a single sense of the world around him. It wasn't all a dream. Gently, he moved a few strands away from the elder's eyes before leaning down to leave a lasting kiss on his cheek.

The moment was interrupted with another fit of loud knocks, along with a familiar voice yelling at him from the other side. With heavy footsteps, he walked over to the front door, unlocking it to a wild Felix storming in and an apologetic looking Changbin, "Sorry Sung, he practically begged me to take him over". Despite being half asleep and extremely tired from staying up late, he smiled, as Felix was someone who could wake him up in the middle of the night for no reason at all and he'd still not have it in him to be upset. "It's okay hyung, I know how he can be".

After locking the door, he turned around to find Felix getting comfortable on the couch, turning the news on. "Let's see if there's any update on Minho hyung" Felix pat the spot next to him, signaling Jisung to take a seat. It had completely slipped his mind that the two didn't know about Minho who was dead asleep in his bedroom. Wanting to make it a surprise, he willingly sat next to the couple as the energetic boy scrolled through the channels, but to his dismay none of them were anything related to Minho.

With a huff he crossed his arms, throwing the remote onto the coffee table. Letting out a giggle Jisung got an idea, "I have something that might cheer you up". At this, both males turned their head to Jisung,. "Stay here, I'll be back in a bit, don't move!". Jisung walked into the bedroom, being sure to lock it knowing just how curious Felix could get. He slowly made his way to the sleeping male, lifting the blanket off, before shaking him lightly.

"Minmin, wake up". The sleeping boy let out a loud sigh, turning around to wrap his arms around the younger's waist. "Wake up!" he whisper-yelled, getting a few inaudible mumbles in return. "Changbin hyung and Lix are here" he whispered, caressing the elder's soft hair, and that was all it took for the sleep to be knocked out. Minho looked at the younger in disbelief, "but they don't know you're here, so let's surprise them".

Minho's heartbeat increased as he stepped out the bathroom after fixing himself up a bit. He wasn't exactly nervous, rather excited and anticipating how the two would react. Changbin, who had instantly become one of his closest friends, Felix who was like an annoying younger brother he wanted to protect, finally being able to see such important figures in his life after so long made him feel both relieved and worried.

"Ready?". He felt a small hand wrap around his own. "Ready". Jisung stepped out the room, "Okay you two, close your eyes". Felix was squealing, jumping in his seat as he shut his eyes, Changbin doing the same but in a rather confused state. Minho walked out the room, his eyes landing on the two seated on the couch. Felix's once short ginger hair was now long and blonde, enhancing his fairy-like appearance with those soft features and beautiful smile. He smiled noticing the freckles Felix no longer covered. His round features were much sharper, especially the jawline, he had clearly grown well.

Changbin's muscles made Minho look down at his own, making a note he'd have to start working out harder. "I'm so excited omg omg omg". Minho couldn't help but let out a quiet chuckle. He might have changed in looks but that child-like personality was the same as ever. "All right, you both ready?" Jisung asked, earning a nod from the two on the couch and a smile from the one next to him, "3..2..1 "

They shot their eyes open, letting everything adjust around them from the temporary blur. Changbin slowly stood up from the couch, jaw dropped, whereas Felix looked around the living room. "Where's the surprise Sungie?" he asked with furrowed brows. "Right here." At that voice, that unfamiliar yet strangely recognizable voice, Felix turned his head towards the sound source, and the look of shock and surprise on the couples' faces made the two break into a small fit of laughter.

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