𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉ℯ𝓇 XXIX

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The sound of rain hitting the window echoed throughout Seungmin's large bedroom, only adding onto the calming mood that lingered between the two. Seungmin raised his head from Hyunjin's chest, "When did you dye your hair?". He asked, twirling a few strands around within his fingers. "Not too long ago. I got bored of black so I went for red". The younger nodded, laying his head back down onto Hyunjin's chest, listening to the steady heartbeat against his ear. 

"Why red?". Hyunjin smiled at the question, "Cause someone said his favorite color was red". Seungmin scoffed, lifting his head once again, "Why would you do that? What if I said my favorite color was...neon yellow?", he inquired. "Then I'd have neon yellow hair right now", Hyunjin stated in a 'matter of factly' way. Rolling his eyes, he rested his head once again, tracing small patterns on the fabric of Hyunjin's hoodie. 

"So, what really happened that day?", the hesitant boy spoke up after a few minutes of comfortable silence. Hyunjin gently lifted Seungmin off his chest, sitting up against the headboard, motioning for the puppy-like boy to sit next to him. He did as told, letting the elder rest his head onto his shoulder. He took hold of Seungmin's hands, lightly playing with them. "It might be hard to take in, it might be confusing, just stop me if you have a question or don't wanna listen anymore". Seungmin nodded, he could've told the elder he knew everything, that Jisung had already told him, but he wanted to give Hyunjin the opportunity to say it himself. 

"Basically, I work for this man...who owns a mafia". He let out in a low voice, hesitantly looking over at the puppy-like boy for a reaction, and his heart dropped at the terrified expression he was receiving. "What..? A m-mafia?", Seungmin slowly backed away from the arms that were wrapped around him. Hyunjin's lips quivered as he tried thinking of a way to calm the younger down. "No- yes- but it's not- I didn't do anything like bad- I mean I have no choice and I would leave if I could, please just don't leave me..please". 

Hyunjin let out rambled words, as tears blurred his vision. A rushed feeling of guilt washed through Seungmin as he immediately pulled the elder into an embrace, gently rubbing circles on his back. Even then, he couldn't help but let out a small chuckle. Hyunjin pushed him away by the shoulders, wiping away the excess tears. "Why are you laughing?" he sniffled. Seungmin tucked a few strands of red hair behind his ear, "I know about that man, Minho hyung's father".

 The look of shock on Hyunjin's face only provoked the younger to break into another fit of laughter. "But how..?", was all he managed to get out. "You know Han Jisung right?". Hyunjin quickly nodded, "That name is embedded in my head from the amount of times Minho hyung has said it, but how do you know him?". "Remember how I said my friends wanted to meet you?", Hyunjin nodded again, thinking back to the day he was supposed to meet up with them. "He was one of them. That day when you didn't show up, he ended up telling me about everything. How Minho hyung's father is a mafia boss, and how you work under him". 

What a small world this is, Hyunjin thought, but it also made his nerves go crazy. Was Seungmin going to leave him now? Was he disgusted? Was he scared? Afterall, a criminal is still a criminal, even if not by choice. "I'm sorry Seung, I'm really-", he let out a sob, not being able to finish off what he wanted to say, but Seungmin simply rubbed the crying boy's back, letting him get rid of the bottled up emotions. "I don't wanna be like this, I don't wanna live like this", he cried out. "I don't wanna be a criminal, so please..don't see me as one", he let out in a whisper, looking up at Seungmin, who wore a small smile with a hint of guilt. 

"Not one day went by where I didn't regret saying that to you. I was wrong, and I apologize. I don't see you as a criminal Hyunjin, so don't see yourself as one either". Seungmin wiped a stray tear off the crying boy's cheek, who visibly became less tense. "He found out about us, so when I went back that day, he was waiting for me. Told me to never see you again. I refused, but it was foolish of me to do so, cause the next second he had me locked up in my room", he explained, continuously playing with Seungmin's soft hands. 

"I realized he would go after you if I continued to resist, so I stopped. This whole time I was training to become Minho hyung's second-in-command". Seungmin nodded, taking everything in. "So what now? Is Minho hyung taking over the company? Is he gonna become like that man?" Seungmin asked, a little scared to hear the answer. Yes, he was playing with fire here. The second he decided to stay by Hyunjin's side was a risk in itself, it was wrong, it was dangerous, but maybe that's the beauty of love, maybe that's what makes it all so special. 

"Yes, he's taking over the company, but Minho hyung and his father", he chuckled, "it's like the difference between heaven and hell. He's anything but like him. This was his plan all along, winning over that man's trust to take over the company just to be with Jisung, just to put an end to all this". Hearing these words brought Seungmin to ease. "But for now, he's only getting 50% ownership. His father wants to see if Minho hyung can be trusted, so it'll take a little longer for us to finally be free" Hyunjin pouted, interwinding his hands with the younger's. 

"Better not take 2 years this time" Seungmin mumbled, crossing his arms. "Why? Will you leave if it does?", Hyunjin smirked. "Don't test me", he glared. "Do you really have what it takes to leave me?" he teased, lifting Seungmin's chin with his finger. Seungmin stared into those playful eyes, slowly looking down at the smirking lips, before swiftly taking hold of Hyunjin's hoodie and crashing their lips together. His eyes widened, but he quickly melted into the kiss, hands traveling around his waist in slow movements. 

It was a gentle yet ever so passionate kiss, but before it could get any deeper, Seungmin roughly pushed the boy away. "Unfortunately, no. I don't". He didn't know if it was the adrenaline from the heat of the moment, but Hyunjin had the sudden urge to ask him the question he had wanted to 2 years ago. "Seungmin", he let out, swiftly taking hold of the younger's hands. "This isn't how I planned on asking you this, but I feel like right now's the moment, and I don't want it to slip away, so", he cleared his throat. "Will you, my love, be my boyfriend?". 

He was now on one knee on the bed, looking at the other with puppy eyes and Seungmin couldn't help but let out a laugh. "Well that was unnecessarily dramatic, but yes". The two grinned at each other before jumping into an embrace. Letting out a satisfied sigh, Hyunjin gently kissed Seungmin's neck within the hug, "Thanks for putting up with me pup". The younger rolled his eyes with a smile glued to his face, "I don't think anyone besides me attains the proper skills to do so, I'm doing god's work here". 

Hyunjin slightly pulled away, hands still wrapped entangled behind his neck, "Well you're stuck with me now babe, no turning back", the smirk on his lips, that intense gaze, red strands scattered across his face, even his imperfections were perfect to Seungmin. He loved how he didn't have to try to be someone he's not with him, he could breathe without the fear of being judged, he could talk about anything, not just about business, money, marriage, he doesn't have to have the perfect posture or neatly set hair for Hyunjin to like him. 

"I hate the way you look", now that wasn't how Seungmin meant for it to come out, alas he was never good with words or showing affection, but what may have seemed like a rude remark to one was pure joy for Hyunjin, who let out a loud giggle, "I love you too pup".

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