𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉ℯ𝓇 XIII

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It had been around three weeks since that unforgettable night, and the two had grown closer than ever. Jisung ran around the apartment, "Hyung I can't find my backpack-", "Right here". Minho held the backpack in his hands, secretly slipping in a note. Jisung slightly relaxed, but that disappeared quickly. He felt around his pockets then ran into his room. "Where's my phone!?". Minho walked in the bathroom, grabbing the younger's phone from the counter top. He made his way towards a panicking Jisung, grabbing him by the shoulders. "Close your eyes, take a deep breath". Jisung did as instructed.

It was the first day of college, and to say Jisung was extremely nervous would be an understatement. "Here's your phone", Jisung looked at his phone, smiling up at the elder, "Thank you hyung". Minho ruffled the younger's hair, "There's that pretty smile. Let's head down, they're waiting for you". Changbin had offered to drive Jisung to college, to which he gladly accepted. Having Felix, a very outgoing extrovert, by his side would make things much easier for someone who wasn't too good with big crowds.

Jisung stood outside the enormous school. Students were seen making their way towards different sections of the campus, "Let's go!". Felix grabbed Jisung by the wrist, excited since the two shared their first class, forensics. Even the lab classroom was spacious, with many, many seats, and lab stations. Felix dragged Jisung to an empty desk towards the front, taking a seat next to an unfamiliar face. The boy had his desk neatly organized, a notebook in the middle, a pen and pencil, two highlighters, an eraser, a white-out, and a stack of sticky notes.

Felix wasted no time in familiarizing himself, "Hi! I'm Felix, this is my friend Jisung". The puppy-like boy lifted his glasses that rested on the bridge of his nose, "It's a pleasure to meet you, I'm Kim Seungmin". He sounds just as prestigious as this school, Jisung thought. "Omg you look like a puppy, have you ever been told that?". The boy slightly tilted his head, causing Felix to so badly want to ruffle his neatly set hair. Jisung simply watched the whole thing play out, smiling at his outgoing friend. He reached into the smallest pocket of his backpack, looking for a pencil, but instead pulled out a small note.

"Be sure to eat your food and drink lots of water. Don't get too stressed, I know you tend to feel uncomfortable in crowded places, but you can do it, I know you can. I miss you already, hurry back."

Jisung squealed in his head, shutting his eyes tightly with a wide smile. How could someone be so cute and caring? He couldn't wait for school to end even more now. After the long two hour class ended, the two shoved their notebook full of new notes into their backpacks. "That was pure torture, why in the world would I care about different finger print patterns", Felix muttered a few other insults at the class. Jisung let out a laugh, "I thought it was interesting".

The three boys waited for the crowded room to empty before making their way out. "Seungminnie, what's your next class?". Slightly flustered by the cute nickname, he took a sticky note out his pocket, "Sociology, in 15 minutes". "Oh, I also have that next!", Jisung exclaimed as relief ran through him. At least he wouldn't totally be alone, even if the two had just met. "No fair! I have calculus all alone", Felix pouted. "Lix, I'm sure you'll have like 5 new friends by the time class ends. Now hurry, your class starts in 5 minutes". Jisung shooed his friend away, leaving the two boys alone.

They walked out the building, getting some fresh air before two hours of being isolated again. "So Jisung, what's your major?", Seungmin spoke up after an awkward silence. "Criminal Justice, I'm planning on joining the police force, what about you?". "So is mine!", for the first time, the puppy-like boy seemed excited. "I haven't really met anyone interested in this field", he went on to explain. "Both my parents are in this sort of field, my mom's a lawyer and my dad's a police officer. I'm planning on becoming a lawyer like my mom".

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