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"Can you please enlighten me?" demanded Yuchan, who didn't understand anything at the moment.

"It's probably...." I began with a grin, but his stern look interrupted me and I continued, sighing.

"My favorite band is gone... the biggest and most influential band in the world, gave so many people support and brought joy into their lives... I don't want to imagine how many people will suffer without them. Someone who, like me, can manipulate time, must have prevented their creation..." I explained to him.

"But why do you remember them and I don't?" he asked, confused.

"Because time is my gift and I don't forget any timelines, otherwise I would be getting in my own way with my time magic. We have to fix that..." I decided and he looked at me doubtfully.

"How are you going to do that?" he asked.

"Travel back to all the important turning points in the members' lives and protect them from the influence of evil." Simple plan, I just hoped it was as easy as it sounded.

"But then you'll have to do it alone, you're the only one in our coven who knows time magic." he interjected, but I just grinned.

"Have you forgotten my new ability? If I combine the two gifts, I can take one, maybe two with me," I explained and he looked at me, impressed.

"That means you can finally take me with you?" he exclaimed enthusiastically, which made me smile.

"Yes, I can," I agreed.

"Okay, then take me to the day Jun threw water in my bed and claimed I was a bedwetter. We'll stop that now... As an exercise." he suggested.

"Forget it, I'll save my energy for the important tasks." I fended him off and looked away, not wanting his pout to soften me up.

"Go call the others, I'll call our parents and inform them." our parents ran the witch world, until it was confirmed that I was the prophesied witch, then that would be my job. I hoped so much that it wasn't me, I didn't want to lead that bunch of idiots, it must have been exhausting. On the other hand, everyone was convinced of it, because a normal witch only developed one gift, one from the royal 12 families developed 3... I now had 5. Time magic, teleportation, telekinesis, pheromone manipulation and projection - every single one of my gifts was strong and pointed to my destiny. But I was so reluctant to accept it, at least I had a reprieve until the two missing witches were found.

"Hello?" my father answered after I pressed his contact, right after the first ring.

"Hey... we have a problem, the timeline is no longer correct." I immediately opened the door.

"You need to fix it... what's changed?" he asked and I explained everything.

"It's not good... there must be more to it, you don't delete a band just because you might not like them... I suspect it's because of the prophecy... one of the band members could be from the 11th or 12th family and our enemies want to prevent the circle from closing and unleashing its full power..." he said with a sigh and I felt hot and cold. That made sense... and complicated everything.

"Right, let's get to work..." I grumbled.

"Good luck, little one... and I hope you find your companion... it could be one of that missing band." he cheered me up before hanging up. Then the realization hit me... someone from BTS was going to be my future companion? Suddenly, the lead and the prophecy didn't bother me quite so much after all... All that remained was the "small" task of rescuing the boys.

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