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Jungkook PoV

My stomach clenched and my vision was blurry... Unnoticed, I had walked away from the table and into my room. Something was wrong with me, I had never felt so strange before. I sank onto my bed without strength. I had felt it the whole time, it was smouldering just under the surface, the power in Y/N and me was boiling, but she probably hadn't noticed it in all the excitement and exertion like I had. I had suppressed it with all my might, only taking on all the agony from both of us because she needed all her strength, but now I had reached the end, could no longer cover it up and withdrew totally exhausted. I hadn't even been asleep for 30 minutes when energy of unprecedented proportions ran through me and my elements went completely crazy, water shot out of my hands uncontrollably and the connection to Y/N became stronger... She had just received another power and still didn't seem to notice the magic swinging back and forth between us. Waves of power passed through me, making me float and glow as I writhed back and forth. Then a sudden calm came over me and I fell asleep, still floating.

I didn't know how much time had passed, but I woke up when I heard a scream after my bedroom door opened.

"Kookie... Oh God, Jin... come quickly, I think your brother needs an exorcism..." Jimin screamed excitedly and I opened my eyes, exhausted. As I tried to sit up, I realized I was still suspended in midair and slowly lowered myself.

"Jimin, how many times do I have to explain to you that the little guy always floats when he's stressed? That's one of his powers, not a demon. And the one time he looked at you with red eyes, he was drunk... Get over it." grumbled Jin, who had also been woken from his sleep by Jimin.

"I'm sorry, I'm just so scared..." Jimin looked a little crestfallen and Jin left after making sure I was okay.

"What did you want?" I asked and Jimin turned back to me.

"Sophie fell asleep with me and she looks so peaceful... I don't want to wake her up, but if she doesn't stay at home with her parents again, they'll threaten to restrict her contact with me again... Could you teleport her to her bed, please?" he asked me and, sighing, I followed him.

"Jimin, this is getting to be a habit... you have to let her become more independent, she's grown up, she can talk to her parents by herself, she can go home by herself... she's not as fragile as you make her seem... how is she ever going to manage on her own if you're constantly glued to her and do everything for her?" I was a little annoyed.

"She means so much to me... She's been there for me all my life, just like I was for her. I just have to protect her." he explained.

"Then why don't you marry her, hyung... her parents won't be able to interfere and you'll have your peace," I suggested and he lowered his eyes.

"Believe me, I'd be more than happy... but... I think... she doesn't love me that way... haven't you seen the way she looks at Hobi hyung? I think she's in love with him..." he said sadly and as I thought about it, I noticed that she was already very attached to Hoseok's lips, constantly looking at him and playing with her hair when he looked at her... it looked a lot like flirting. But Hobi had no eyes for her... it was obvious who he really loved. Painfully obvious...

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