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"Fuck... what are we going to do now..." asked Yuchan, who seemed visibly overwhelmed.

"Either I sleep for a few hours, or... You have to give me some of your magic." I listed our options.

"So either I have to stay awake here for hours to keep the fog going, which will totally drain me, or I have to give you some of me?" he asked, annoyed, and I nodded.

"All right, then I give it to you... how long?" he asked, knowing full well that magic could only be transferred by mouth, so we would have to kiss.

"I need quite a bit, at least five minutes." I tried to gently explain to him and he sighed before placing his lips on mine.

"Keep your tongue to yourself." he warned me and I closed my eyes after rolling them. Of course we had kissed before, but it had only ever been brief pecks on the cheek or, as small children, on the lips, but this was different. His lips were soft and warm and I liked the feeling, there were no sparks, but it still warmed my heart, I loved Yuchan more than anything, just not romantically, yet he was closer to me than anyone else. What I forgot was my lack of control over my powers and the small amount of pheromones I was emitting was enough to make Yuchan's heart beat faster and suddenly grab me by the back of the neck and turn the kiss from an innocent lip touch into a real one, biting me lightly on the lip so that I opened my mouth in shock and he let his tongue dart towards mine. Confused, since he had just forbidden me to do that, I opened my eyes, but he had his closed, fully focused on kissing me intensely while I thought about how to stop him.

"You can't stop me, just let yourself go..." I heard him in my head and finally gave in, knowing we couldn't stop the transmission. The moment I gave in, I felt his magic wash over me and even without pheromones, I was sent into a small frenzy that made me completely forget about control and sink into the kiss, returning it intimately, sliding closer to Yuchan. My hands found their way into his hair and he encircled my waist as we were carried further and further away from reality until he suddenly slowed down and finally fell with his head against my shoulder, peacefully asleep. Horrified, I came back to my senses, knowing the fog was gone, but I had enough strength to get us home. Damn pheromones, damn magic intoxication.... Many unplanned witch children had been created by out-of-control magic transmissions. If I couldn't persuade Seonghwa to let Yuchan forget, he'd wring my neck when the pheromones wore off. Before we could be discovered, I brought us back, but this time I concentrated on Yuchan's bed so that the others wouldn't see us. The time travel woke him up and he looked at me, smiling in love.

"When did you become so beautiful, Y/Nie? We should really get married and make babies as beautiful as you..." he mumbled to himself and I knew exactly what I would face tomorrow if he remembered what he had just said.

"Shh, you're weak because you gave me too much magic, get some sleep, we'll talk about it tomorrow..." I tried to brush him off, but when I tried to get up, he stretched his arms out towards me and whined.

"Stay here and cuddle with Channie..." he demanded and, sighing, I lay down with him to hold him until he fell asleep. Luckily, it didn't take long and I was just about to join the others in the living room when my phone rang.

"Yes?" I answered and immediately heard my father's voice.

"I've been asking around and you need to know, not just one of the missing people needs rescuing... the 11th and 12th families disappeared together, it wasn't a coincidence, they must have put their kids in the band together.... so two of that group you rescue are witches... and one of them is probably your companion." he told me.

"Well, we have to save everyone anyway, human or witch... but if they don't know they're witches and their parents have hidden it with magic, how do I find the right two?"

"You can awaken their magic, you just have to give them a little bit of you..." he said and I widened my eyes.... I had to kiss my way through BTS? Yo... Jackpot... the stupid thing was, I probably had to do it before they became BTS, because then it was almost impossible to get too close to them.

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