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"Little girl, you have to take on more responsibility bit by bit," came my father's voice from my cell phone and I rolled my eyes in annoyance.

"How am I supposed to do that? I'm always jumping around and when I'm here I have to rest... Can't all this office work and ruler stuff wait until I've saved the world? I really have more important things to do right now." I complained.

"Jungkook can replenish you with magic after all, take advantage of that help.... Your magic is made to make each other more powerful." he explained mercilessly.

"Appa... Jungkook is not a recharger... " I replied in horror.

"You should finally get engaged to him, everything points to him being the chosen one. Why are you hesitating so long?" my father now asked, you could tell he was impatient. He would have liked to have married me to Jungkook long ago because of his powers, although the elders were horrified at the time that there was a thirteenth member for my coven. After much deliberation, however, they saw it as a good sign rather than a bad one, despite Beomie's statement that his birth had set everything in motion. But maybe it was meant to be... so much was predestined and we didn't know all the prophecies.

"This decision is too grave to make based on power alone. I have to be careful, it could cost us all our lives," I replied, for what must have been the hundredth time.

"Alright, you need to know that for yourself." he gave in and I sighed with relief, as the subject was upsetting me so much and I didn't want to talk to him about it, even thinking about it was giving me a headache.

"Well, about the government business then... I'll send you my personal assistant Violet, she already knows everything and will be at your side from now on, she can handle everything and take the pressure off you. How does that sound?" he suggested conciliatory.

"Good... but I don't want her to annoy me with all sorts of shit," I said and hung up. Why were parents so exhausting? Make decisions, take responsibility, save the world on the side... blah blah blah. And if I ever sent them on vacation to Antarctica, they were offended afterwards...

"I wouldn't mind putting my charging cable in yo...." I heard Jungkook, who had come in without me noticing.

"Don't even talk.° I interrupted him, raising my flat hand in front of his face at the same time to stop him. He just chuckled and bit my index finger, causing me to pout indignantly.

"Ouch... Kookie..." I complained, wrinkling my nose.

"Your dad again?" he then asked sympathetically and I nodded.

"He won't let up... he'd like me to marry you and thinks we can live happily ever after together... He doesn't understand that I just want to make sure I'm making the right decision," I explained, whereupon he took me in his arms.

"Don't let yourself be rushed... I'll stand by your side forever, no matter what you decide... whether as a friend or as a partner... even... if I... if I have to admit... that I would prefer to be your partner..." he assured me, but then looked away, slightly embarrassed. We didn't talk about our feelings often, we knew it was more than just being best friends, but it wasn't like he was the only one who triggered something in me... Hobi and Jin also regularly made my heart skip a beat, which didn't make my decision any easier. I often distanced myself a little from Hobi because he still seemed to be suffering from the pheromone overdose. He always looked at me with so much love and adoration that it was no longer normal.

"Sorry... I don't mean to interrupt... But there's someone at the door, she says she's your assistant." Nicky informed me, standing in my bedroom doorway with a mop in her hand.

"Woah... that wasn't even ten minutes... how did she get here so quickly? My dad had this planned from the beginning." I grumbled before hurrying to the front door.

"Your Highness... I am here to serve you from now on..." she bowed her head respectfully and then held out her hand to me. A cool but professional aura surrounded her...

"I'm Violet." she introduced herself and I hoped she wasn't always like this... I wouldn't warm to her otherwise... there was something about her I absolutely disliked...

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