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I carefully leaned over the crib and looked at the sleeping baby. Awww... such a handsome one... Not wanting to wake him, I lifted him with my telekinetic powers, so he didn't feel a touch and slept peacefully. When he was level with my head, I got as close to his little mouth as I could with my lips, unsure about getting so close to a strange child... on the other hand, I was here to save little Jin's life. So I gave him the softest kiss I could and let a small amount of magic flow into him.

"Father will be in the room soon." I heard San's warning voice in my head. Carefully, I lowered Jin back down and sat back on my bed. I glanced back towards the crib and my eyes widened before a smile turned up the corners of my mouth.

"Number one is found..." I mumbled as I heard the door open. I pretended to be asleep so that his father wouldn't notice that I had seen Jin levitating. He gasped in surprise when he came in, but then giggled delightedly.

"Oh... my little one... Barely a day old and he's already working his magic... But we have to hide that from your mom." He snuck up to the baby and apparently sealed his powers again, because I heard him mumble a spell. So the mother didn't even know that her husband was a witch? Well, he was no longer in the coven, no longer lived in our community, he probably found it easier not to have to explain anything to her...

Now all that remained was for Jongho to touch little Jin so that we could all find out about the interfaces, and perhaps an opponent had to be eliminated. When Mrs. Kim was asleep, Mr. Kim left the hospital room again, probably to go home. That made us more alert again. San and Jongho came back after finding nothing suspicious and Jongho touched the baby with his little finger on his hand before sitting down. We couldn't talk so as not to wake them up, but San also entertained us quite well telepathically. At some point, a nurse came in and wanted to kick the two boys out, but I stroked my imaginary tummy and claimed that I couldn't sleep without them and that the birth would be induced in a few hours without them. He then allowed himself to be persuaded, but wanted to examine me.

"Oh, you don't have to do that, the doctor has already done it..." I started when I saw that San and Jongho were both unconscious... the nurse... then I saw his eyes and knew I already knew them, even if he seemed to be a shapeshifter, that was probably his true form. Now I had uncovered all his abilities... Time magic, shapeshifting and putting me to sleep, so he wasn't allowed to touch me under any circumstances. He could see from my gaze that I had recognized him and I used telekinesis to bind his hands behind his back. He grinned caught off guard, but didn't look malicious at all, more amused.

"I can never fool you, Auntie..." he said resignedly, confusing me.

"Yay, I'm not that old that you can call me auntie..." I complained and was about to send him back to Antarctica when his eyes turned pleading.

"No, please don't go back where it's cold..." he demanded and, shrugging my shoulders, I sent him to the Sahara.

"Now the bad guys have special requests too..." I grumbled and jumped up. The danger seemed to be averted, the enemy could only return to his own time and he could never come back here, so I grabbed the two sleeping witches, who were leaning against the wall, by the collar and returned to our Dorm 2022...

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