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I left Namjoon and squeezed my way through the crowd to find Yeosang. The gig was secured, the timeline should be right again, it was time to return home. When I finally located him, he was surrounded by girls showing off his rap skills, so I pulled him towards me by the hand.

"Sorry, bitches, this one's with me, bye bye." With that I pulled him after me, out of the club. At the top of the street, I took a deep breath of fresh air, as it had been really stuffy down there. Still holding Yeosang's hand, I snuck behind a dumpster where I grabbed him by the waist and pulled him tightly to me. I interrupted his surprised "What did you ju..." with "Careful, don't let go" and we were pulled through space and time back to our present.

"Woah, that was quick... I only blinked!" exclaimed Mike, who had been watching our departure with interest.

"So... what's going on? Is he one of us?" Hongjoong wanted to know and I shook my head.

"Apart from making underwear disappear, the most he can do is put a smile on your face when he destroys something again... Speaking of which... My bra clasp is ruined," I said, earning irritated looks.

"How is that..." Yuchan started, but my annoyed look silenced him.

"Just don't ask... don't do it... eh eh, no no." I shook my head vigorously. I didn't want to talk about it... it was embarrassing how that little bastard had played me.

"Just googled him... Hit producer and rapper under Bighit." Seonghwa called out and I sighed with relief. We had saved one.

"Good... the day is still fresh... I'm going to lie down again and later, Jongho and San... I'll take you to see Mr. Worldwide Handsome. It's going to be an epic moment... Kim Seokjin is born." Even though I was looking forward to this cute baby... I hoped I could wait outside this time... I was traumatized by the birth.

An hour later I woke up from my little power nap to find Mike sitting on my bed staring at me.

"Say... Shall I get you a superhero costume from one of my sets?" he looked at me with a grin, I knew he was picturing me as a Marvel heroine again.

"I have magic, not superpowers," I pointed out.

"That's the same thing..." he waved me off and I rolled my eyes.

"When do these pheromones actually stop working? I can barely control myself from pressing my face against your neck and smelling you." he confessed and I raised an eyebrow.

"I don't let pheromones flow, I stopped long ago..." I explained and now he looked confused.

"But... then this is coming from myself? Oh God, I feel like a creepy stalker... Sorry." Embarrassed, he looked at his hands.

"Oh... you know... go ahead, we'll pretend it's my magic and you can smell my neck for five minutes, then we won't talk about it anymore." I suggested and saw his eyes light up.

"Honestly... awww you're so cute." he said and already he was cuddling up to me, rubbing his cheek and nose against the crook of my neck before taking a deep breath...

"Ewww, you went to a club where they smoked, right?" he asked right after and I remembered that I actually wanted to take a shower before sleeping.

"Oh, yeah sorry... hehe." I giggled nervously, but he didn't let go of me.

"I thought eww meant it was bothering you?" I asked and tried to sit up, but he held me down.

"Shh, never mind, stay like that... I can just do it again later." he mumbled into my hair.

"You perverted snoop." I said with a grin.

"Good, now you can go." he said as he let go of me minutes later.

"Very gracious, Mr. Stalker." I thanked him and he laughed softly.

"I'm not a stalker, I'm a witch fanboy. And you just shut up, you're drooling and texting about my series WHILE I'm sitting next to you and watching... I must have blushed five times in just one episode." He pointed out my dirty talk and I quickly escaped to the shower so that I wouldn't be exposed any further...


i love Mike so much <3

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