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We dropped the subject because Hobi had to get all the papers, the information and his contract that his parents had to sign with him and I actually wanted to say goodbye and travel back to my time, but he asked me with wide eyes to accompany him to Gwangju again and not to leave him alone on the train. His eyes could melt butter just by looking at me, as could my heart and my determination... So I promised him and when he was done with everything, we went back out of the building to meet Yunho.

"Oh man, I can't wait to see you rap and dance after you debut." Yunho gloated as we walked up to him with beaming faces.

"Haha, I can promise you about the dancing, but I can't rap." Hobi said regretfully, to which Yunho and I both started laughing.

"Don't worry, you're a natural... I promise you'll become one of the best rappers one day." Yunho comforted him.

"Your adlibs are chefs Kiss." I confirmed and he looked at us broodingly.

"You must know better than me," he said, shrugging his shoulders and taking my hand. Which he didn't let go of until we were on the next train back to Gwangju.

"Why does he just accept what we say?" Yunho asked when Hoseok, who was sitting next to me, fell asleep with his head on my shoulder.

"He knows who we are... He's number two." I explained and he nodded understandingly.

"But... Yunho... how do you know so well who he is, BTS doesn't even exist in our timeline?" I asked him, confused.

"Mind control and time magic... what do they do when they meet?" he asked the counter question and I widened my eyes.

"They connect... so... you remember the right timeline?" I wanted to know and he nodded.

"Yes, when I used my magic here, all your memories came into my mind and I remembered everything that was gone because of the time manipulation." he confirmed, while Hobi clung to my arm in his sleep and smiled as if enchanted.

"He seems to have quite a crush on you." Yunho remarked and I sighed softly.

"No, it's just the after-effects of my pheromones... I had to lull him really hard with them so I could overpower the other witch... I don't know how long they'll last, but he's very clingy right now," I told him.

"But look how cute he is doing it... don't tell me you won't be totally into him in a few years... so in our time, he's already a few years older than you and definitely a serious potential partner," he said with a grin.

"Don't let Jin hear that, he's probably already planning our wedding." I laughed amusedly when I thought of the older one, he was in a class of his own... It wouldn't be easy to choose between the two. Until the pheromones were gone from Hoseok, I couldn't tell what was really real about what he supposedly felt for me. Right now, nothing he said could be taken seriously, yet I enjoyed his affection to the fullest. He made the cutest little pout in his sleep that I had ever seen and sighing I closed my eyes so I wouldn't have to see it again, I didn't want to get arrested after all, at that time Hobi was still barely a minor, even if my brain didn't really want to process that information.

This time the train journey went smoothly and we said goodbye to Hoseok in front of his parents' house with one last hug.

"Promise me we'll see each other again." he demanded and I smiled at him encouragingly.

"We will... if I'm lucky, our timeline will have changed so that you might already be there when I get home..."

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