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"Yoongi..." I let go of Jin's hand and ran to him. He stood up quickly before taking me in his arms... this was a first, I usually hugged him, but now he was a good bit taller than me... and older too. He had made himself look just as handsome as I remembered him from the original time before BTS disappeared.

"It's so nice to finally see you the way you're supposed to be..." a few tears came to my eyes, for him decades had passed since we first met, for me only a few days, but they had been quite something.

"And she's finally proud of me..." he replied in a strained voice.

"It's not just her... We all are..." Jin now joined in.

"Hyung, I know... I just saw you a few minutes ago, but this is the first time I've seen this version of you in 12 years... thank you for bringing me to your younger self back then, that was the best day of my life, everything has been looking up since then and I've found the best friend anyone could have..." Yoongi broke away from me and now hugged Jin.

"Oh man... like you guys didn't just say a sappy goodbye earlier... what are you, a couple with a crush?" Jongho asked, his face scrunched up in disgust as he walked into the kitchen.

"Jealous?" Jin asked with a smirk and Jongho's expression clearly showed what he thought of the idea.

"As if, I've already got someone... it's none of your business anyway," he interrupted himself, whereupon Jin reached for his hand in a flash and inconspicuously touched his signet ring, which all the circle members wore. With a knowing grin, he looked at the startled Jongho, who then caused violets to bloom within a radius of 2 meters.

"Oh, Jongho... a new type of flower, your powers are growing." I remarked proudly, but he hurriedly walked away without responding to my compliment. I scowled at Jin.

"What? He started it, why is he always in such a bad mood?" he asked innocently.

"He's not in a bad mood, just a bit grumpy because he's so insecure... his powers aren't what he wants them to be, he feels inferior because he only has passive powers... He thinks everyone is better than him, it's just a protection mechanism..." explained Yuchan, who had joined us. I sighed and helped myself to some of the pancakes Mike had made this morning. By now I was pretty tired again, as my strength was pretty low, so I devoured them before retiring to my room to get some sleep, as I wanted to get on with Hoseok as soon as possible. When I got to my room, Mike was lying on my bed reading, smiling at me in delight when he saw me. My bed was no longer mine... Somehow everyone was making themselves comfortable here, except me... But I forgave Mike for that, he didn't have his own bed here.

"You look tired, do you want me to stroke your hair until you fall asleep? It always helps with my son," he offered and his look became a little sad. I'm sure he missed the little one.

"Should I send you to him?" I asked him, but he shook his head with a smile.

"I won't have him again for another two weeks... " he explained and I nodded, feeling sorry for him, you could see from the pictures of the two of them how close they were, rarely seeing each other because of stupid custody agreements was certainly not easy. Tired, I flopped down next to him and decided to accept his generous offer, felt his hand glide lovingly over my head and closed my eyes.

Hours later, I opened them again only to see that Mike had also fallen asleep, Jin was lying next to him and they were both cuddling in their sleep while I almost fell out of bed. Giggling, I looked at the two of them, who were only arguing when they were awake and were now glued to each other as if there was nothing more beautiful in the world. I wanted to see the looks on their faces when they woke up, it would certainly be fun...

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