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"So, you understand what I want from you and you agree?" I reassured myself and my counterpart nodded eagerly.

"You want to practice your powers on me, but you don't know if you'll make me temporarily crazy about you. If you don't manage to erase it, one of your friends will erase it on me and I won't remember it." he enumerated and I nodded. Very good, he knew what he was getting himself into.

"Why are you volunteering for this? I mean, you don't need to be used as a test subject..." I asked curiously, earning a grin from the actor I had just made appear here again. He hadn't hesitated for a second when I'd made the suggestion.

"I have a three-week break from filming and I'm bored, I'm single and I won't have my child with me again until next week... And you're just a witch and have powers... Of course I'm going to do it, it's the most exciting thing that's ever happened to me," he explained excitedly and I had to grin. I could take advantage of it now and do things with him, but I'd let that go, because the accidental kiss with Yuchan had already been enough for me and then there was the fact that I had to kiss seven other boys to find the right one... that was a bit too much... although I was also single and who was harmed by a little fooling around? No, no, no, I had to pull myself together and concentrate, otherwise I'd never learn. So... Focus, let out just enough pheromones to make him do everything I asked without being in love right away. His smile grew as he moved closer to me.

"I noticed last time how beautiful you are..." he said as he devoutly lifted his hand to brush my hair behind my ear. Ahhh just keep concentrating. With my projection, I made a hairy tarantula the size of a king poodle appear and Mike looked at the animal in horror as he pressed his back firmly against the wall.

"That's Griselda, every witch has a pretty pet.... her fur is a bit of a mess, will you be a dear and comb her for me?" I asked innocently, having to suppress a grin as his panicked look was simply divine.

"No, sorry... anything, but I'm not touching that thing." He refused and I tried to increase the pheromones as slowly as possible, watching him relax more and more and finally take the brush I held out to him. I stopped the further increase and maintained the current level. Without fear or disgust, Mike brushed the giant spider, which didn't actually exist, and I was proud of myself for managing to dose the pheromones exactly as I needed them. Now I just had to manage to pull it all back again and I had achieved more of what I had set out to do. I slowly reduced the dose, watching him become more and more uncomfortable, until he suddenly jumped onto the bed and hid behind me.

"Can you send her away? I can't stand it here with her any more..." he moaned and I gave in to his pleas and dissolved the illusion. He exhaled with relief.

"Was it real?" he asked anxiously, to which I giggled in the negative.

"Even witches can't create new species, there are no spiders that big. That was just an illusion," I explained.

"But I could touch it..." he wondered.

"Yes, I've mastered this power 100%." I said, shrugging my shoulders.

"I'm happy to help you, but next time, please do something cool, like a tiger that I have to fight, not a spider..." he demanded, shaking himself, which made me laugh again.

"You seem to be back to normal... Should I send you home then?" I asked him.

"What are you doing now?" he asked a counter question.

"Watching your series until I fall asleep." I admitted with a grin and suddenly he made himself comfortable on my bed.

"I'll watch it with you... Cuddling?" he asked, stretching his arms out towards me and I let myself fall against him before taking the remote control and switching on the TV. Oh yes, I've dreamed about this so often... Unfortunately, I had to hold back as I now knew for sure that the prophecy was true and that there was someone waiting for me. Well, but that was okay. Who made friends with the hero from the series they watched? Being a witch wasn't actually that bad after all. I relaxed for today, because tomorrow we would continue with Namjoon and I would find out if he was the one...

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