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Violet occupied my office and worked there for several hours. She was so quiet that at some point I forgot she was even there.

"Do you want something to eat? I baked a cake." Mike asked, who already had a plate of steaming apple pie in his hand when he came into my room.

"Gladly." I replied with a smile. He sat down on the bed with me, where I was sitting cross-legged in front of my TV watching series.

"What are you doing?" he wanted to know.

"I haven't done anything for the last few weeks apart from sleeping and time jumping... I need to relax and recharge my batteries," I explained and he nodded understandingly.

"You've been working really hard. Can I watch with you?" he asked me hopefully.

"Oh yes, I've missed watching dramas with you." I said happily and leaned my head on his shoulder, continuing to watch while he fed me the cake. I was enjoying the free time, but it didn't last long when Jin came in and looked irritatedly at Mike.

"Mike, you wanted to show me how to make this apple pie and the boys have eaten the other pie, so we should make another one straight away." he demanded, to which Mike stood up regretfully.

"Oh dear... then we should bake before they start fighting again." he said and disappeared with Jin. When had they stopped fighting? Had they finally come to terms or was that also a change in the timeline? The show I was watching was getting more boring with every episode and I was frustrated too, I couldn't sit around for so long, we needed to fix Jimin and Taehyung's timeline so BTS could exist in full member count. While I was still thinking about who to take with me, Jungkook came into my room, fully dressed with shoes and jacket, a backpack on his back.

"Are you going somewhere?" I wanted to know.

"Yes, we have to help two more people. Park Jimin is next and Jongho said we have to go to Busan, 14.06.1999. He even wrote down coordinates." he explained as I put on my own shoes.

"Wow, why are you so well prepared?" I asked him, impressed.

"Because I want to be a good help to you... and maybe I also want to score points with you when you decide who your partner will be." he replied with a smile. Awwwe why did he have to smile so sweetly?

"You do know that I can't make the decision based on plus points?" I raised a brow and he nodded.

"Yes, but as we spend more time, we'll become an even better team and I want you to know that you can always count on me. No matter who you choose." He took my hand and looked at me expectantly. I got lost in his eyes for a moment, but then I realized that he was waiting for the time travel to start. So I took him with me through the time tunnel, closed my eyes briefly and when I opened them again, we were standing in the middle of the forest.

"Oh, I know this forest path... We often went here with the kindergarten." Jungkook was visibly happy about the familiar surroundings.

"Now we just have to find little Jimin..." I began as we heard shouts in the distance.

"Shh... they're looking for someone." Jungkook held up a hand and listened.

"Jimin... JIMINAH... Park Jimin, where are you?" we heard a female voice joined by other voices. We walked in that direction and shortly afterwards came across a group of kindergarten children with three teachers who seemed quite stressed. Some of the children were sitting bored on tree trunks, others were running around playing, while others were crying.

"Excuse me, have you seen a little boy, 3 almost 4 years old, wearing blue jeans and a green sweater?" one of the teachers approached us, she was close to tears and looked tense with fear.

"No, we haven't seen him, but we'd like to help you find him... where did you last see him?" asked Jungkook.

"He was back there running around the butterfly bush... suddenly he was gone. Thank you so much, we can't look for him so well because we have to look after the other children." she explained, pointing to the lilac bush in question.

"Come on, we'll find him quickly," Jungkook promised and pulled me with him behind the bush to search the area behind it. It occurred to me that I didn't know all of his skills yet, I just knew that he had more than the normal three, just like me. I would have to ask him, maybe they could help save the little one....

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