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Trembling, I grabbed the hand of my Jungkook, the one who was alive, the one who was looking around this destroyed world, staring at the body that had once been his brother, whose gaze now slid over Hobi's corpse only to linger on my future, dead version.

"Please... if it comes to that... don't sacrifice yourself for me... Don't ever do that again." Sobbing, he turned to me and hugged me so tightly that I feared he would crush me and we wouldn't have to worry about this timeline anymore because it wouldn't exist.

"I... oh goddess... Kookie... I...that was so horrible... all this death here... no one is left... evil has won... and all because of... me... I made so many wrong choices.... . and Jin... it wasn't Jin..." my words came haltingly, I couldn't process or really comprehend it all, it was so unreal, like a bad dream. We had to prevent this future with all our might. With a terrible feeling in my stomach, I looked at the still burning house and thought of the boys who had died in it. Tears streamed down my face as I thought of them.

"Yuchan... and... all of them? All of them just... please Kookie... I want to get out of here... I can't stand it here one second longer.... take me away." I closed my eyes and cried, it was too much... this timeline was too painful for me.

"I don't know how... I don't even know how I got us here. The past is your territory after all... Can't you take us back?" he asked me, slightly panicked, but I shook my head.

"It doesn't work like that... the past is our present, I can't just travel there like that. Imagine the present where you start is like your anchor, you're attached to a rubber rope and after you've been to the other time, this rope pulls you back to your point of origin. It's not difficult... hold on tight and think about home and how much you want to be there again now... Concentrate on your anchor." I explained and he pulled me into a tighter embrace, laid his head on my shoulder and closed his eyes. He breathed in and out deeply and I felt the familiar tug of the flow of time and the current brought us safely back to our time. It was the first time I had been back and everything was the same, nothing had changed.

"Unusual..." Jungkook also remarked.

"Did you notice that we got a new power at the same time?" I asked him when I remembered my elemental spell from before.

"Yes, I felt it on you and that's why I didn't realize that it also applied to me. I was so shocked that I was suddenly in the time stream..." he said and I sighed.

"Yes, and me too... I was sleeping peacefully and you just dragged me through time without touching me, that was also a first." I thought about it.

"Our powers are more connected than we thought. That proves again what my future self said... we are only strong enough together. If one of us dies, the battle is lost..." he said and looked at me, swallowing, probably remembering, like me, that we had just seen our older versions die. He hugged me tightly once more and then turned around.

"Don't be mad at me, but I'm sleeping snuggled up to my brother tonight.... Seeing him lying there like that... that was horrible..." he said and I nodded, I also had an extreme need to cuddle Hobi, who was sleeping peacefully in my bed and didn't know that I now knew what color his insides were...

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