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Without answering Jimin, I went to his room and teleported the sleeping Sophie to where she was supposed to be and Jimin thanked me before sadly closing the door. I felt the same way as him, I also loved my best friend... and for me, too, it was Hobi Hyung who was in the way. She may not have been aware of it, but the way she glowed when he was around, the way she was always unconsciously drawn to him like a magnet, I saw it all. Maybe I really was her Twinflame, but that didn't necessarily mean that I was her chosen one. Sometimes I was sure that we belonged together, but as soon as I saw the two of them together, all my confidence crumbled. Then there was also the possibility that I was completely wrong and it was actually my brother who had been chosen by fate. Even if you often didn't realize it, she and Jin were a well-rehearsed team, understood each other blindly and relied on each other completely. Their relationship should not be underestimated. But wasn't it always those who were so in tune with each other, like she and I, who ended up together? Wasn't it most likely that fate had planned a future for both of us?

"Ahhhhrggg." I screamed into my pillow in frustration as this whole situation was getting me down. Sometimes I wished we were just normal people and didn't have the responsibility of saving the whole world... if it didn't matter who she married, if it didn't affect the future of the whole planet and I could just take her as my friend, wife, mother of my children. But I couldn't even tell her how I felt without possibly influencing her wrongly in a vital decision.

I had just closed my eyes again when the pain returned with a vengeance and my body began to glow and I convulsed, gasping. I became extremely dizzy and felt like the world was spinning around me, I held on to the headboard of my bed, then a flash went through my body and I was pulled into a kind of tunnel, flashing blue, purple and silver. The time tunnel I had traveled through with Y/N, but now I was thrown in the other direction, the one we took to travel home... so into the future? Then I realized that I was not alone. Beside me, Y/N slithered, her eyes wide open and involuntarily I reached out for her, afraid that otherwise we'd end up in two different places and one of us would be stuck, because I didn't know how to get home and maybe she couldn't, because it wasn't her power that sent us here through time, it was mine... newly awakened, untested and completely unprepared. This time travel seemed so uncoordinated to me, it had been so easy with her, but thanks to me and my inexperience we were jolting through time.

As soon as I grabbed her hand, I pulled her close to me and she clung to me, which wasn't a second too soon, because the time stream spat us out and we landed roughly on the floor. It was so surreal, we were clearly in Seoul, but the dark night sky was lit up by numerous fires, half the city was in ruins, buildings destroyed, collapsed, while some were still burning. There were no people to be seen, they were either dead or hiding, but it didn't look like they had much to counter this destruction.

"Oh goddess... what happened here?" 

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