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"The midwife took him out, I think he has some paperwork to fill out." Mrs. Kim gasped and I immediately had a bad feeling.

"Y/N, please stay with the patient, I'll look for the two of them. You don't have to fill out anything during the birth... there's time for that." she grumbled to herself before hurrying off and leaving me standing there. And now? I'd better look for Mr. Kim and the midwife myself, as the whole thing seemed suspicious, but I couldn't leave a woman giving birth alone... but I doubted I could be any help at all.

"Is there anything I can do to help you?" I asked her anyway, maybe she was thirsty or needed something else. Painfully, she looked up at me.

"Can you maybe have a look, I'm under so much pressure... I think it's about to start." she asked me and my eyes widened.

"I can't and I'm not allowed to examine you, I'm just an intern here..." I replied, overwhelmed, but she reached out to me.

"Then at least help me onto the bed and out of my pants," she demanded and I did her the favor, unable to believe that I was pulling Namjoon's mother's pants down. Of course, I didn't look anywhere and immediately put a blanket over her, then pressed the emergency bell. When a doctor came rushing in, I was briefly relieved until I saw his name tag. "Dr. Kim Seokjin." That was neither Kim Seokjin nor a doctor, it was probably the opponent using a fake name that no one here had known in the past... but he hadn't expected me. He was just about to approach Mrs. Kim and didn't even get a chance to speak when I teleported him to Antarctica. If he couldn't teleport too, then he was now out of action and had no choice but to return to his timeline. Well, the first mission was easy... or so I thought, until the woman in front of me grabbed my hand and almost broke it while she started moaning loudly and I suddenly heard dripping noises. She must have had a violent contraction that had broken her water.... and still no help in sight.

"Wait a minute, I'll go and get someone," I said as I tried to free myself from her grip, but she held me tightly.

"No, you're not leaving here, I have to push and I can't hold it back, you have to help me and deliver the baby with me." she demanded firmly and I didn't dare contradict her.

"I don't even know what to do now..." I moaned.

"Neither do I, but this baby doesn't care, it wants to come out now. Ahhhhhhhhhh" she replied painfully and suddenly gritted her teeth, apparently she was clenching. I stood in front of her, undecided, not really wanting to look under the blanket, but I had no other choice. In my last desperate hope, I pressed the emergency bell again and then went to see what was going on. I gasped in horror when I saw a mop of black hair sticking out. Then the rest of the head came out and I panicked again.

"The head is there, isn't that the place where they always say don't push anymore?" I asked, confused.

"I don't know, that's your job!" she shouted at me, which made me flinch. Holla... she usually seemed so nice to me, but right now she was scaring me. Then the door opened, the midwife and husband arrived just in time and the obstetrician resolutely pushed me aside and got to work. Relieved, I went behind the bed and just watched, but without a clear view, I was already deeply disturbed and didn't know if I ever wanted to have children.

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