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Stumbling backwards, Yeosang let go of my hand as we arrived in the past. It was a hot summer night and we had landed in a dark alleyway, a flashing neon sign in front of us and a steel door where a muscle-bound bouncer had just turned his back on us.

"Say Yeosang... do you know some of your raps by heart that you could sell to that guy as a freestyle?" I asked him and he nodded with a grin.

"Sure, is that some kind of underground rap club?" he wanted to know.

"I suppose so, after all Namjoon is probably hanging around here somewhere. Come on, we'll only get in if you tell him you want to join..." I pulled one of his hands, but he held me tight. Grinning, he took my shirt out of my jeans before tying a knot in it so that I was belly-free, then undid my plait so that my hair fell loose.

"They'll think I brought my big sister to babysit.... Cling to my arm and play my groupie." he said and I rolled my eyes, but still did as he said. Through my projection, I made a flashy makeup appear before we walked over to the guy.

"I'll join the battle," Yeosang said confidently, but the bouncer just raised a brow.

"Oh yeah, let's hear something then." he said bored, but was amazed when Yeosang rattled off Mingi's rap part from I'm the one as if it were the most natural thing in the world.

"Okay, down the stairs, all the way down the corridor and then left," the man said, impressed, before holding the door open for us. As if he owned the place, Yeosang strolled into the building, it was amazing how quickly he could switch from his sweet, reserved private demeanor to professionalism and I admired him for it. Downstairs we could already hear loud bass and a screaming crowd, which got louder and louder the closer we got to the door at the end of the corridor. There was a young man walking in front of us who kept looking around but hadn't spotted us. His behavior seemed strange to me, which is why I held Yeosang tight. The guy went into a dark alcove, from which a pretty girl came out a few seconds later and then quickly scurried into the club. No one else came out of there and I looked curiously. The alcove was empty.

"Shapeshifter..." I informed Yeosang.

"Ok, let's go in and keep an eye out for her or Namjoon, preferably both." he said. The stuffy room was overcrowded with people, so we split up and searched different areas. I found both of them at the bar, the girl was flirting with Namjoon, who was still a hormone-driven 16-year-old teenager here. She whispered in his ear and his eyes lit up.

"Hey... Namjoon... I'm such a huge fan of yours... Are you about to perform?" I asked him enthusiastically, just pushing the fake girl aside and teleporting her back to the penguins at Antarctica like last time, I just assumed it was the same person.

"Eh no, the little one just wanted to make out with me... I'm skipping today." Namjoon explained, looking around searchingly.

"Oh man, you chased her away... how about it? Will you take her place?" he asked, waggling his eyebrows. He really had balls, was that half-arsed prick really hitting on me right now? But good opportunity to work my magic on him.

"One kiss, but only if you perform now. Deal?" I asked, holding my hand out to him. He obliged and then swung onto the stage, where he grabbed the microphone and put on one hell of a show. I knew the performance was important, otherwise our unknown opponent wouldn't have wanted to stop it. After the performance, he jumped off the stage where he landed right at my feet, grabbed me by the wrist and pulled me into the dressing room. There he grinned dirty, sat down on a bench and pulled me onto his lap. I squealed in surprise when I landed on him, which only made him laugh. He really had too much self-confidence.

"My reward, beautiful Noona..." he just said and closed his eyes. I almost giggled, but instead I put my lips lightly to his and breathed a little essence of my magic into him. The only thing that happened was that he suddenly pulled me closer and used my open mouth to slide his tongue in.

"Mmmm hmmm mmmmm" I resisted, I didn't want to kiss a minor with my tongue, but he didn't let go of me until he was satisfied. I glared evilly at him as I stood up and straightened my slipped shirt... how had it slipped in the first place and... where the hell was my bra? When I looked up at him, he was holding my beautiful lace bra with a grin.

"I'm a master baby with your bra..." I mumbled and his eyes got big.

"Can I use this for a song?" he asked as I snatched my underwear back.

"Oh, you should definitely..."

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