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After confused dreams in which I was a cute koala bear, I woke up and was actually clinging to my eucalyptus tree called Jung Hoseok, but he was holding me so tightly that I immediately smiled.

"Good morning." I whispered before snuggling even closer to him.

"That's what you say... I've never had such a good morning. I don't want to get up, let's just stay in bed." he suggested in a still very sleepy voice and I wished we could hide from reality in bed, but that wasn't possible, we had to get Taehyung to help us get BTS complete again, which was the first goal that would help us get everything back on track. Last night, wasn't exactly helpful in my decision making, I had given in to my feelings and just turned my brain off, wanting to feel what it would be like with him at least once, even though my mind kept telling me that Jungkook was the more likely choice. But why did my heart and my mind have to argue like this? Everyone said something different, which totally confused me. I knew that I loved both of them, but it had always been different with Hobi. He looked at me from the very beginning as if I was the most beautiful creature he had ever seen, as if I was the most precious thing in the world and I was no different with him. Unfortunately, I still didn't know exactly how real his feelings were and how much my pheromones had affected him.

"I wish that were possible... but I have to save your last member." I sighed and he exhaled audibly as he hugged me tighter.

"I'm coming with you. I'm not letting you out of my sight now. You're mine." he whispered and I grimaced regretfully.

"Hobi... the situation is still the same, I'm just as clueless as before." I explained and he simply kissed me in response.

"You can be unsure all you want, as long as you choose me in the end. You can't convince me that your heart hasn't already made up its mind, while your head thinks everything through and doesn't dare. I know you, I know that you love me as much as I love you... why would the goddess allow us to love each other if she then tears us apart through fate? It doesn't make any sense." His voice was full of passion, trying to convince me and I wanted so much to believe it.

"But what if your love isn't real? If you've been exposed to too many pheromones..." I pondered and he sighed in frustration.

"I'm immune to your pheromones... they've never worked on me because I fell in love with you at first sight... Pheromones don't work when you're seriously in love, especially when they come from the person you're feeling for. Besides... that was more than 10 years ago from my point of view, how long do you think something like that works? The longest cases ever counted were a few months, but not years, never." he explained and it actually made sense... but I couldn't take the decision lightly.

"Ok... let's keep it that way and we both love each other and the feelings are real... but... why do I feel like I can't exist without Jungkook? Why can't I ever be away from him for long? I don't get it... I love you more than anything... But I feel like Jungkook is just my other half.... even though it's very different from you... I'm just so... confused... I don't want to do anything wrong. Any wrong decision could cost you all your lives... and I can't risk that..."

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