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I should have known when I came back and didn't immediately get the reminders of the latest timeline... in milliseconds I saw myself wondering about the color in the hallway, how I had to look for Hobi in the pictures first, how Yoongi and Jin had to tell me why they were mad at Hobi... why didn't I know then? My power had been just enough to get us here, not even my hiding mist was there, otherwise we wouldn't have been nearly run over... even teleporting was still possible... probably due to Hobi's magic, which I had absorbed while hugging him... little threads of magic wove back and forth between witches whenever they touched... it wasn't much, it was like a magical scan, but traces of it remained in our system for a short time.

"Hobi... What other power do you have? Telepathy, spirits... and?" I asked him and he looked at me in surprise, as I should know.

"Shapeshifting." he explained. Damn, that's exactly one of the powers that wouldn't help us in this situation. I looked around in despair, without my powers I wasn't much more than a normal human, smaller and weaker than Beomie, but I still had Hobi.

"Beomie... Sweetie... please, we'll find another way, you don't have to do this." I tried to persuade him.

"I've tried so many ways... I always have the same result, you will all die... and then you come and thwart my attempts to save you... I have to end it... you'll make the wrong choice, which is what I'm trying to do... it would be so easy if I could tell you... I hate her, that woman... Don't trust her, don't believe a word she says, she was only after your powers from the start..." by now he was standing with his back against the railing, the fear that they might both fall off was growing, when I suddenly looked into the huge eyes of the newborn. He looked at me calmly, didn't even cry, but although he was so small, he seemed to sense my fears, because as the tears ran down my cheeks, his little mouth twisted into a snout and he began to sob quietly.

"I'm so sorry... I really don't want to, but I have to..." Beomie said to the baby, giving him a kiss on the forehead before holding him high above his head.

Hobi sprinted towards the two of them, ready to risk his life for Little Jungkook, while I screamed in panic. It all happened quite quickly, flashes came from the baby's hands, his captor jerked up from the electric shocks and suddenly the infant was in my arms, no longer crying but with a small hiccup that continued even though he was now asleep in my arms. A man entered the roof and ran towards us, he clenched his fist and it was surrounded by fire, he wanted to throw it at Beomie, who was lying on the ground, but Hobi threw himself in front of him.

"No, don't hurt him... Mr. Kim?" I also looked at the man's face in astonishment, recognizing Jin's father. What was he doing here? He was still young, so it was the one from that time, not a time traveler... What was he doing here, at Jungkook's birth?

"He tried to kill my child....," he pressed out angrily.

"But he didn't do anything to Jin," I corrected him.

"Not Jin... Jeongguk... that's my son." he explained.

"But how is that possible? The twelve families can only have one child each..." I was confused and for the first time Mr. Kim looked at me. He immediately fell to his knees.

"My queen..." he bowed his head and I was even more confused than before.

"How did you recognize me?" I asked him.

"The aura... Your aura... the prophesied circle." he explained and he was right, not only was I emitting a powerful aura now, it was also coming from Hobi and Jungkook... it wasn't there before.

"The baby... it's part of the circle... it's against the magic... But it is..." I felt the connection. His magic was stronger than the others, was already almost as powerful as mine without having been awakened... Elements and teleportation on his first day in the world.

"We're the first coven to have 13 members..." Hobi marveled, sensing it too. Was Jungkook my predicted companion? His birth was spectacular, it would make sense... but why was my heart beating so hard for Hoseok?

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