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He snuggled up to me as if his life depended on it and, astonished, I held still and just let him do his thing. I felt no danger from him, the sudden need to protect him hit me hard. I turned to him and put my arms around him, looking at him closely. He looked so sweet, so innocent and vulnerable, how could he even be the enemy? He reminded me of someone, but I couldn't figure out who it was.

"You were supposed to be my mother, not her.... you were meant to have me, but you married the wrong man and now you're not my mother and she's trying to destroy everything.... she's evil, terribly evil..." he muttered.

"What's your name? " I asked him as I stroked his back reassuringly.

"Beomse... just call me Beomie, that's what you used to call me, I shouldn't tell you my whole name..." he replied.

"You're from the future... not from my time, from the even more distant future..." I guessed and he nodded weakly.

"Why do you want to stop BTS?" I asked him.

"She mustn't meet him, she mustn't manipulate him... I have to stop it, otherwise he will die, you will die, half your coven will die in this war... we won, the world was saved, but at what cost? I lost my whole family." He sounded so desperate that I got a knot in my stomach. So he didn't mean any harm?

"Beomie... but even if she's not allowed to meet them... I have to, they have to be in the circle, it's destiny..." I gently pointed out to him.

"Destiny is the last crap, this destiny is taking you away from me." he said defiantly and hugged me tightly.

"Yes, it's really crap, I don't fancy it at all, but we still have to do it. "Who is your father?" I wanted to know, but he shook his head.

"She put a spell on me, I can't tell you, she banned all the boys' names. Just don't marry the one you want to marry first and then see which of the other two looks like me," he explained and I looked at him in confusion.

"Two? But there were only two..." I pondered, confused.

"Oh no... There are three. You didn't know that yet because the prophecy wasn't passed down correctly... the ancestors were afraid that the fact that there would be a circle of 13 would cause an uproar... because the twelve families could only have one child each... they couldn't even anticipate such a situation..." he told me, I was completely shocked by this new development.

"But that's not possible, the spell can't be circumvented, one child per family, the only exception is if a child dies so that the family is preserved, only then does the spell allow a new conception. " I thought aloud and he nodded.

"Exactly, don't worry, you'll soon figure it out for yourself. But I have to go now... I'll see you again in two years." He let go of me.

"Wait..." but he was already gone. I wanted to tell him that we were better off working together instead of against each other. If he really wanted to save me, then surely he shouldn't be my enemy, but rather help me? I turned back to the house and saw little Yoongi standing at the window, looking at me and rubbing his eyes tiredly. He had woken up again after all. I smiled at him and waved goodbye again. He raised his hand and smiled back. So small and already a real Min Yoongi, with his famous rubber smile, but missing his incisors, which somehow made it even cuter. Grinning to myself, I walked out of sight and then left this timeline to return home.

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