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"Wow... that's kind of cool and now how do we get to Seoul? Are you teleporting us there?" Yoongi asked and I shook my head.

"I don't know if I can teleport three people that far at the same time, I'd rather not take any risks, especially since I'll need my powers for the trip home too... so let's take the next bus to the station and take the train, it's not even a two-hour journey, we'll survive," I said and sat down on the bench at the bus stop.

"So, you're taking me to your place? Are you traveling back in time?" he then asked Jin, who nodded approvingly.

"You've got quite a lot in there." he tapped Yoongi on the forehead.

"Tell that to my mom... She thinks I'm a total loser." he said with a sigh and Jin put a hand on his shoulder to comfort him.

"My mother isn't exactly bragging about me either, and I'm trying so hard... We'll just show them that they're wrong and in a few years, they'll be damn proud of us, I promise you that. I'll be your big brother from now on, I'll look after you, don't worry." He smiled warmly at the younger boy and my heart warmed too, I knew they were very attached to each other. The two eldest, who always looked after the others, one open and like a mummy's hen and one like the father who pretends he doesn't have an itch, but then pulls the covers over the children and kisses their foreheads when they're asleep.... Lovely, both of them.

The bus came and after only four stops we arrived at the station. Jin bought our tickets while Yoongi and I bought some snacks. In Yoongi's case, it consisted of Redbull and tons of chocolate. Well, I had gotten us a bag full of cheeseburgers at Macces, so who was I to judge him for his unhealthy food choices?

"I've got the tickets and the next train leaves in seven minutes, so we should hurry, it leaves from platform three." explained Jin, who had rejoined us. We had a quick look around to see where we needed to go and hurried to catch the train, which we just about managed to do. The conductor was about to lock the doors when I obscured his vision, causing just a little bit of fog to appear around his head, which he confusedly interpreted as smoke and tried to wave away. At least the short delay was enough for us to get on the train instead of standing in front of closed train doors and waving sadly after him. Well, maybe I was a bit too dramatic, because only 30 minutes later, the next one would have already left.

The time on the journey went by so quickly, we hadn't even eaten everything before we arrived in Seoul. We stood helplessly in front of the main station while Jin tried to remember his address from 13 years ago.

"Ok, I've got it again, we have to take this bus." he shouted, already running to the bus stop where one of the green public buses was just opening its doors, not waiting until we were behind it to get on and driving off without us as the impatient bus driver closed it in Yoongi and I's faces and drove off.

"Come on, let's go around the corner here, I'll teleport us three stops away and then you beat him up for me." I suggested and Yoongi laughed. The look on Jin's face when we actually got on shortly afterwards was divine, a mixture of relief and panic, I must have looked a bit annoyed.

"I'm so sorry, I knew you would follow somehow, that's why I didn't go back, otherwise we would have just missed each other," he said contritely.

"You were just afraid you'd get lost," I remarked and he grimaced.

"I'm not going to get lost in Seoul," he sulked.

"Well, I just read a book where someone called Jin got lost in the forest." Yoongi teased him. We had to change trains twice more before we stood in front of the apartment complex where Jin's apartment was located. He knew the code downstairs at the door, as well as the one on the 11th floor at the apartment door, let us in and was irritated to see the naked younger version of Jin lying on the sofa...

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