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I slipped quietly through my bedroom door, put on a new pair of pyjamas and then slid under the covers, snuggling up to Hobi, who pulled me into his arms as I slept. The thought that I had seen him dead, but that he was now lying here safe and warm in my bed, not threatened by death for a few more years, calmed me a little. Relieved, I looked at him, as I had so often done when he had slept with me, and simply couldn't resist the urge to kiss those cute, heart-shaped lips. I quickly pressed my lips gently against his. I had done that so many times before... who had allowed him to look so incredibly cute when he was asleep? All right, even if he was awake, but then I couldn't do that, because who knew how long he would have to suffer from the effects of my pheromones and whether I wouldn't make it worse. Now there was only Jungkook and him to choose from and I felt a strong connection to both of them. It confused me, it could really be both of them, Jungkook and I were twinflames, born to fight side by side and with Hobi I had a close emotional bond that was there from the first moment. When I had rescued him from Nicki, I had already noticed it, but since he was there permanently, it became clearer and clearer. Unfortunately, I still didn't know whether it was because he had been exposed to too many pheromones or because we were actually meant to be together. Why did it all have to be so difficult? Sighing, I kissed his beautiful nose and was about to pull away from him when I saw that his eyes were open. The corners of his mouth immediately lifted into a smile.

"Gotcha," he giggled and I snorted.

"For years I've wondered if I was just dreaming this... But I haven't... you're really doing this." he gloated.

"Don't blame me, your parents made your cute nose." I immediately complained and he laughed softly.

"Honey, I felt the kiss on my lips too." he said with a grin.

"Yeah... ok... sue me then... they look so nice..." I admitted and then gasped in surprise when he turned us around and was suddenly on top of me.

"Oh no... I'm not complaining... but... you have to do this when I'm awake... so I can get something out of it." He came closer and closer to my face and I swallowed nervously. My heart gulped up to my throat and as I stared expectantly at his lips, he twisted his mouth briefly into a smile before lowering himself further towards me until the tips of our noses touched. Fluttering, I closed my eyes and could already feel his breath mingling with mine. I sighed softly when he finally kissed me gently after what felt like an eternity, giving myself completely to this incredible feeling that I usually avoided for fear of triggering pheromones in him. But the thought of losing him was so overwhelming that I was now unable to keep him at a distance. I wanted so badly to be close to him, to feel him, to perceive the love he gave me as real. We were alive... we weren't our future selves... we were here and now, with breath, with heartbeat, with desire. His tongue invaded my mouth and received it more than willingly, letting him take the lead but reciprocating with the same passion that made my whole body tingle. The kiss intensified and I became more and more aware of how much his body was pressed against mine as I could feel his growing arousal. He supported himself with one hand, which he had slipped under my neck, while the other suddenly slipped under my pyjama top. He briefly let go of me and looked me in the eye.

"Can I?" he asked in a husky voice and even though I knew we should probably stop this, I nodded.

"Don't stop... no matter what comes next... But tonight I'm yours..."

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