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Beomie disappeared from our field of vision and I saw Yunho grinning as the conductor pulled him along by the ear. His smug look told me everything, he had also manipulated the old man.

"Oh I was scared for a moment..." Hoseok put a hand over his heart and then smiled with relief.

"Don't worry, we'll make sure you get there on time," I assured him. The journey didn't take long and I hung on his every word as he talked enthusiastically about his passion for dancing. Yunho was also very interested in talking to him, as he was just as enthusiastic a dancer as Hoseok. The two of them hit it off straight away and I couldn't stop smiling as Hoseok's bright eyes gave me a warm feeling in my heart.

After we arrived in Seoul, Hobi took out his invitation letter and looked for where we needed to go on the map hanging at the station.

"Can I have a look at the address?" I asked him and he nodded before holding the letter out to me. Bingo... the old Bighit building, I knew it only too well, I used to hang out there so often... on the street in front of it, always hoping to see one of my stars. Back then I was a teenager with not very developed powers, so I didn't dare sneak in...

"I know where that is, let's get on the bus, it'll be here any minute." Yes, I also knew the bus timetables for the entertainment. Without thinking twice, he put his hand in mine, which I had subconsciously held out to him, and ran out of the station building with me and Yunho to the forecourt where the buses left. An hour later, we were standing in front of the Bighit building.

"Another 40 minutes until the audition... Should we go in already?" he asked and I smiled at him encouragingly.

"You can go in, but we don't have an invitation, so we'll wait here for you." I said and he shook his head.

"I'm allowed to bring one person... I need you in there... please?" ahhh how could you resist something so cute?

"Fine, I'll come with you." I sighed.

"And you Yunho? Don't you want to dance too?" Hobi asked hopefully.

"I already have an entertainment, I'll just wait for you." he assured me.

"Woah Huyng... how cool. I wish you debut soon." Hoseok rejoiced and then pulled me towards the front door.

"Did Jung Hoseok just call me hyung?" I heard Yunho whisper devoutly, he was sure to get a fanboy attack.

"Yah Hobi, slow down, my legs aren't as long as yours." I tried to stop the enthusiastic boy, who ran with quick steps to the reception counter while I stumbled after him. He immediately slowed down and turned to me worriedly.

"I'm sorry Noona, I'm just so happy..." He grimaced ruefully and then walked alongside me at an appropriate pace. When we stood in front of the receptionist, he held up the invitation.

"Hello, Jung Hoseok, I'm here for the audition. She's my escort." He introduced himself and the woman took the sheet in her hand and skimmed it.

"Yes, this way, the path is signposted, you can change if you want and you'll get a participant number. There are staff there who will explain everything to you," she said kindly and handed him back the letter before pressing a button and a door opened with a buzzing sound, through which we now entered a corridor. There were indeed notes with arrows and the word Audition on them, which we followed until we arrived at a room where two staff members were already standing.

"Ah, we've been waiting for you, then all the participants are already here and we can start earlier... Are you the escort? Go into the hall opposite here, there are benches for the spectators..." so we were pushed into different doors, but we both turned around again briefly. He smiled excitedly while I whispered "Fighting." to him, which he could only recognize from my lips and raised fist. In the dance hall I sat down and watched the participants, there were some talented and some less talented ones, until it was finally Hobi's turn. He danced so incredibly well, his movements so smooth and flowing, I was thrilled... as were the judges, you could see how they were carried away by Hobi's charisma and talent. They were also pleased with his singing, who would have thought that someone with such a beautiful singing voice would become a rapper?

After two hours it was over and I went out to wait outside the changing room. They hadn't announced the results yet, but I saw one of the staff members come out and put up a list with the names of those who had been accepted. I knew that he had been accepted, but a small fear of having changed the course of events remained. Shortly after, Hobi came out and approached with an anxious look on his face.

"Noona... look, please... I think I'm going to die if I can't find my name there..." nervously he clung to my arm and I looked at the list... there it was... his name, at the top, first on the list... he must have made quite an impression on them...

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