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"I'll come with you this time, it seems to be safe with two people," said Yuchan and I looked at Seonghwa, who had noted down all of Jongho's dates.

"23.05.2005? What time?" I asked him while I had already taken my best friend's hand.

"7:55pm - 8:59pm," he informed us.

"All right, see you in a minute," I said, waving, before we disappeared. It went slower than the two times before, apparently I had reached my limit with three time travels + return journey and accompanying person. Hopefully I didn't have to use my strength in the one hour and could recover a bit. When we arrived back in the past, sitting behind a sofa, I was torn from my thoughts. A ten-year-old Namjoon was sitting on the floor in front of the sofa, staring bright-eyed at a television set where the Mnet comedy show was about to begin. His mother was sitting on the armchair next to him. I still had a lot of respect for her and certainly didn't want to be seen by her. I looked at Yuchan warningly and said in my mind .

"Don't make a sound... They mustn't see us."

"Yes, I already knew that, I can hide us with a mini fog, they won't notice the fog, but they won't see us either." suggested Yuchan, who had perfect control of all his powers.

"Joonie baby, do you want some snacks before we go?" his mother asked him affectionately, but he shook his head.

"No, I can't eat anything anyway, I want to concentrate on the songs, there's one, I've practiced all the parts, I want to rap along with it without mistakes." he refused excitedly, which made his mother smile mildly.

"Music is just a hobby, baby... only really talented people get famous and can earn money," she explained, but Namjoon ignored what she said and cheered when the show's logo appeared on the screen. Smiling, I watched the boy shake his head and his joy warmed my heart. The presenter appeared and then suddenly the screen went black.

"Oh no, power cut..." his mother remarked and ran to the window.

"In the whole neighborhood... back there... the power distribution box for this street is on fire..." she added. Angry shouts from outside suggested that it had been set on fire, i.e. deliberately sabotaged, and I knew for a fact that this was no accident.

"He can't miss the show, what do we do now?" I asked Yuchan, who looked at me unsuspectingly and raised his arms.

"Do I look like an electrician? I can't possibly fix the box down there."

"Maybe not that one... but if you send your lightning to the TV in a weak form... Can you give it enough power for an hour or will it explode?" I wanted to know and he looked at me thoughtfully.

"I think I can manage that," he said and I saw sparks appear between his fingers. After glancing at the Kim family, who were still looking out of the window, he let the sparks dance inconspicuously towards the device, which turned on again with a small noise.

"Eomma... it's working again!" Namjoon exclaimed excitedly and sat down again.

"Funny, the lights are still off... his mother mumbled, but sat down again. For a while, they just listened to the music until Epik High had their performance, Namjoon jumped up and rapped along to every single word, mimicking their movements on stage perfectly and sounding really good now even before his voice broke. His mother watched him open-mouthed in amazement and applauded enthusiastically when he finished.

"Sweetheart... forget what I said earlier... you have to keep doing that, you're one of those few really talented people..." she encouraged him and I grinned.

"Mission completed. We can go back..." I happily took Yuchan's hand and closed my eyes, but nothing happened, I didn't have enough strength...

"What's wrong, don't we want to go back?" he asked, slightly worried, but I shook my head regretfully.

"I'm too weak, I need to regenerate, we're still stuck here for now..."

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