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Hours later, Halmoni had been picked up, which Yoongi had found hard to bear, Jin had had to hug him tightly to keep him from breaking away, then had cried until he had fallen asleep from exhaustion. Jin had carried him to bed and then disappeared into the kitchen to cook something. I looked for his cell phone in Yoongi's room and then dialed his mother. He had saved it so matter-of-factly, where Halmoni had a heart next to it. I felt so sorry for him, he had lost his only caregiver. Sighing, I pressed the dial button and left the room so as not to disturb him.

"Yoongi... What's up?" his mother's voice spoke soberly, there was no joy or warmth in it, my stomach churned.

"Mrs. Min, this is your mother's neighbor. I have some sad news for you. Your mother has unfortunately passed away... and Yoongi is alone here now. You need to come here as soon as possible." I explained to her and heard her gasp.

"It's not my mother, it's my husband's mother... We can't come here so soon, in two days at the earliest... He'll be able to cope on his own for two days..." she said and I almost lost it. She wanted to leave this grieving child alone? The funeral had to be organized, he was only 15... How could parents be so cruel, I didn't like this woman.

"Listen, how is he supposed to manage everything on his own in this situation?" I asked angrily.

"I'm sorry, but the next ferry doesn't leave for another two days," she said, sighing.

"I'll look after him until you come back." I offered and heard her exhale with relief, perhaps she had been worried after all.

"Thank you very much. Miss...? What was your name again?" she wanted to know.

"Miss Choi." That was all I said before I hung up. Damn, now I was stuck here.

"We're staying longer?" asked Jin, who had heard me.

"Yes, two days... But if you don't want to stay here, I can send you home," I suggested, but he shook his head.

"No, I'll stay with you... Does staying here sap your strength?" he asked anxiously.

"No, only the journey takes strength, it doesn't matter which timeline I'm in... I can only travel to interfaces, only visit them once, but how long I stay doesn't matter. We could just stay here now, but then our own line would get messed up. So... we try to make as little impression on bystanders as possible here, I'm not sure about the consequences." I explained to him.

"Then let's help him... I don't know him yet, I've only seen everything that's to come through your eyes, but he seems like a little brother to me... the memories of him will come back, I know that as soon as we've resolved this timeline confusion... I want to be there for him." he said and I nodded understandingly.

"Good, then I'll call the hospital and see what we need to arrange for the funeral." I informed him.

"Don't save anything, I've got quite a lot of money with me... I've always wanted to go and I've always got money in my pocket that's twenty years old to be on the safe side... We'll pay for a nice funeral for Yoongi's Halmoni... I'm going shopping, there's not enough food here for all of us." With that, he grabbed his jacket and disappeared. I looked after him with a smile. He was a really nice guy, even if he liked to annoy Mike and me, he probably missed the fights with Jungkook where he could get rid of energy and we were the substitute targets. Jin had put a wad of bills on the table, I counted the money and then called the hospital to book the best funeral, damn Jin was rich even without BTS.

Then I brought Yoongi's cell phone back and sat next to him. He was sleeping so soundly but his cheeks were red with dried tears. I gently stroked the hair out of his face and stroked his head. I felt so sorry for him. Since we changed everything by being here, that meant... in the real timeline, he had really been alone for two days... I was so glad he didn't have to go through that anymore. I could imagine that Beomie was here and had wanted to influence him, otherwise there wouldn't have been this interface, but Jin and I wouldn't give him a chance to even get close to Yoongi. Then I remembered that I could safely check Yoongi now. I got very close to his face but hardly touched his lips at all, I didn't want to risk another cheeky teenage move like that, I just opened my mouth slightly and blew my magic into him. He didn't wake up and nothing happened... Even half an hour later, there was no magical reaction... Yoongi wasn't a witch...

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