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The funeral would start in two hours... We had already been here with Yoongi for two days and he had already gotten very used to Jin during this time. The two of them already liked each other, but their real time together was only just beginning. He followed him everywhere like a little puppy, which I thought was kind of cute, but I was also anxious because we would be leaving again today and he would have to stay with his parents without us, who I didn't have the best impression of. Now the lovely Min family was still nowhere to be seen, which made me quite angry. It was really impossible to leave your 15-year-old son grieving alone with strangers in such a situation. I felt so sorry for him. At some point, the priest didn't want to wait any longer and started the rituals when Yoongi's mother, father and brother finally arrived, looking totally exhausted.

"Yoongiah... " his mother called out dramatically and hugged him, his horrified expression showing that he was rather uncomfortable with this.

"Sorry, we missed the first ferry and the second one was late." His father bowed to Jin and me.

"You should rather apologize to your son." Jin said with a coldness I had never heard him speak before.

"My parents are really sorry... They've been worried about Yoongi all this time... if he'll be able to organize a funeral." Yoongi's brother defended his parents. But what he was really saying was that they were worried about the funeral, not Yoongi. I closed my hands into fists and swallowed my anger because I didn't want to make a scene at the funeral. But I decided to let my anger out and teach this family to fear.

After all the rituals were over, we sat with the family and friends at the party afterwards, ate soup and everyone talked about Yoongi's halmoni. People had been whispering, of course they hadn't missed the fact that the family had turned up at the last minute. Yoongi's gaze was lowered to his food the whole time, his hand holding mine under the table so tightly that his knuckles were white, but I endured the slight pain with a smile if it meant I could give him some strength.

"Do you really have to go today?" he asked quietly, but calmly.

"I'm so sorry, kiddo, but I promise you... we'll meet again." said Jin, who was visibly heartbroken.

"If you get so bad that you think there's no way out... then we'll come back for you... I promise... We'll always be there for you." I returned the pressure of his fingers.

"You'll really come back?" he asked hopefully.

"Yes, we will... even if it takes a while... but we'll be back." Jin confirmed again.

"Jin, will you go back to Halmoni's picture with Yoongi so you can say goodbye? I'm going to the toilet quickly." I said before getting up and following Yoongi's mother. I waited for her in the washroom and she soon came out and washed her hands. I acted unconcerned while I activated my projection and Mrs. Min saw her mother-in-law in the mirror. Shocked, she looked at the woman, who looked at her angrily, shaking her head disapprovingly.

"Wha... wha... what? You... you see... do you see the ghost too?" she stuttered and I looked confused at the mirror she was pointing at.

"No... what's there?" I asked innocently.

"M... my mother-in-law..." she gasped in panic.

"I'm guessing it's your guilty conscience because you abandoned your child... take good care of Yoongi, otherwise you'll never get rid of the ghost." I advised her and left her standing there. Grinning, I walked to the hospital's mourning room after paying the bill at the restaurant. Jin had already taken care of the bill at the hospital in the morning. Not a single thank you came from the Min family, only Yoongi cried with emotion and hugged us both.

"Yoongi... it's time... we will miss you and I will never forget Halmoni, she was such a nice and strong woman.... she loved you so much and wanted you to find your strength too... and you will, I'm sure of it... you can do it... and one day we'll come back and then everything will be fine." With these words, I hugged him to me and heard him sobbing quietly.

"Cheer up, kiddo, you'll be fine..." Jin said goodbye too. Yoongi's brother arrived just in time and took him in his arms. We waved again and walked out of sight, where I took us straight home...

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