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Y/N was about to run off as she had spotted our house on fire, but I held her back as I saw flashes of fire flying through the air.

"Stay here, there's fighting back there... we don't know who's there." I whispered, pulling her into cover behind a wrecked car.

"Kookie, what if there's someone still in the house?" her fear for the others was literally written all over her face.

"If there's someone else in there, they're not alive... look at this... it's burning without leaving out a single area, there are only flames in there, nothing else." I made her realize and she cried silently.

"Jin... Hobi..." the agonized cry rang through the night air, it was my own voice I heard and then I saw my future self, floating in the air, Y/n beside me. We looked a few years older, how old I couldn't say, but the events in front of us immediately interrupted my thoughts as I saw the bodies of my brother and Hoseok on the ground, a figure wrapped in a black cloak had just dropped them. The person had their back turned to us, so I didn't see who it was, then we heard the Future Y/N.

"You... why? Why are you doing this to us? Was it worth it? What world do you want to rule over when there's no world left?" her voice was so full of pain, but the cape figure just laughed. The Jungkook from here turned to Y/N, probably wanting to comfort her, but that moment was enough to leave him unprotected and he could no longer dodge the violent force that was now flying towards him.

"No, Jungkook!" the older Y/N shouted and threw herself in front of him. Jungkook's eyes grew wide and filled with tears as she slumped in his arms, stricken.

"No, no, no, no... why... why are you sacrificing yourself for me... no..." he cried, clutching her to him as she clung to him, weak and coughing, a patch of blood spreading wider and wider across her stomach, glowing orange.

"Kookie... what kind of magic is that? I want to help them... we have to save them." My Y/N whispered, but I held her just as tightly to me as the other Jungkook.

"We can't help them, they're so much stronger than us and yet they're losing right now... we have to stop it another way.... no matter how much we want to help, we can't... if we die here, then the future is gone forever..." i warned her and she held onto me, sniffling, while her other me was just dying in Jungkook's arms.

"I can't bear it, Kookie... losing you too, you're all I have left... she took everything from me... my parents, my friends, my love... I shouldn't have married him... he was the wrong one... I should have listened to you... maybe it was you after all..." she breathed heavily and he cried softly.

"Please... don't die, we can still make it... but we have to do it together... only our power combined can defeat them... please... don't die... I love you... please Y/never... nonn" he cried louder and louder when she stopped responding. He kissed her lips and swung into the air, beginning to glow with a power I didn't have now and lunged at the figure, who dodged him effortlessly and now hit him with her own power. He too sank to the ground, also glowing orange, which was probably a death sentence. The figure whispered "Pathetic." before simply dissolving.

"Jungkook..." Y/N broke free from my embrace and rushed to him, having landed on the ground just a few meters in front of us. His eyes went to us and when he recognized me and she hugged him, he smiled weakly.

"You... you can still stop it... It's not over yet..." he whispered.

"I promise you that we will stop it. We saw how it happened." I assured him, resolving never to be so careless.

"That... you mustn't let it come to that... They're all dead... please stop this... " his voice became quieter and quieter.

"Who can't I marry, who was the wrong one?" Y/N asked and Jungkook looked over at the two dead men.

"Jin... don't marry my brother... it wasn't him... it was false information that deliberately misled.... don't trust her... she's pure evil..." his breathing became shallower.

"Who?" I asked and he opened his lips to answer me, but then his eyes closed and his head fell back.... he couldn't help us any more... 

Time MagicHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin