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"Jin and Jeongguk are both my sons... I know the spell prevents multiple children in a family... My wife and I had problems, Jin got all her attention and I was lonely, I know... having an affair is not a good solution... but, when we were on vacation in Busan, there was this beautiful woman.... she felt as lonely as I did, her husband was always working, that's how it started between us. And then Jin drowned, was dead for a few minutes when I was with the other woman... Jeongguk was probably conceived right there, I didn't have a living child at the time, so the spell didn't work. But Jin was revived and now fate has blessed me with two sons... I know it's against the rules, but don't take him away from me." Mr. Kim pleaded desperately. I looked at little Jungkook with a smile, then handed him over to his father.

"We're here to save him, not to make him disappear. He belongs to us. 13 is a powerful number, just like 12... We will be a strong circle." I explained to the man and he nodded gratefully, knowing his child was now safe.

"Does the Jeon family know what a special baby they have?" Hobi asked and again Mr. Kim nodded.

"His mother knows, her husband will love him like his own child, he will never doubt him." he informed us.

"Mind control..." I whispered, understanding.

"Good, remember BigHit Entertainment, you will leave him there at a young age, he will be protected by two coven members and their friends." I ordered and he bowed his head. He hurriedly ran back into the stairwell with the infant, wanting to quickly reunite child and mother.

"Beomie..." I sighed before running to the one lying on the floor, kneeling down next to him and holding out my hand.

"I'm so sorry auntie... I had no choice." he cried and let me pull him into a comforting hug.

"Beomie... Trust me, you've already warned me. We'll stop it, it'll work out somehow." I tried to reassure him, but his tear-filled eyes radiated so much pain.

"But why... why hasn't anything changed? It's still the same, you're dead, humanity is enslaved and my evil mother rules... You're still making the wrong choice." he sobbed on my shoulder, helplessly I looked at Hoseok, who now came closer, put his hand on his back and stroked it lovingly. He had been through so much, I wasn't even angry with him because he was just trying to save everyone, even if it was in the wrong way. The moment he felt Hoseok's touch, probably just thinking about how he had stood protectively in front of him, his crying became even louder...

"I promise you... from now on, when I come back, I'll try to work with you instead of against you. We have to make it." he said when he had calmed down a bit.

"So you're not going to the other members anymore?" I asked hopefully.

"Sorry, you changed the order, I was already there.... but I only changed a few little things, nothing you can't fix quickly." He smiled apologetically and I rolled my eyes, annoyed.

"Ok, then I'll see you at Jungkook's again?" I wanted to know, but he shook his head.

"I can't do anything to him, whether I want to or not... I couldn't have just thrown him down either. I'll see you soon when I jump to your timeline..." with that, he waved at us and disappeared.

"But how do we get back now? My strength is gone." I looked questioningly at Hobi, who was now grinning mischievously at me.

"Come on, I'll give you a dose of magic from me," he said and I was pulled into his arms and felt his soft lips on mine. He transferred his energy to me, but just from our lips touching, my heart beat faster and my whole body tingled. I actually wanted to keep my eyes open and just think about the magic, but I couldn't stand it for long, his mouth was so incredibly tempting, so I pulled his head even closer to me and started kissing him with my eyes closed. He didn't waste a second to react, wrapped his arms tighter around me and I already had his tongue in my mouth. We kissed for so long that we didn't even notice that it had started to rain. It was only when we were completely soaked that we broke away. I gazed at him dreamily, still feeling the warmth of his lips on mine and the taste of him in my mouth. My cheeks were red with excitement and my hands were shaking. He was so beautiful... the way his wet hair was slightly curled on his forehead, his bright half-moon eyes full of love... and again my guilty conscience hit me as I realized it was all because of the pheromone overdose...

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