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Freshly showered and dressed, I ran into the living room, where San, Jongho and Seonghwa were already waiting for me.

"So... Kim Seokjin? I couldn't find him... so watch out, something might have happened right after the birth, he was registered but there was no trace after that... That usually means missing child..." Seonghwa explained.

"Are you sure you can do this... with two fellow travelers and after you've already traveled?" asked Jongho, who didn't really seem very enthusiastic. Such a snoozer... San, on the other hand, was bubbling over with anticipation, his eyes twinkling with adventure and his dimpled smile catching the corners of my mouth, which lifted immediately.

"That's why I was asleep, don't worry, my magic is fully charged. Now give me your hands," I asked him and they both held my hands.

"Then off to 04.12.1992... " I shouted happily and we were already getting dizzy.

"Woah... how cool was that? Are we really there yet?" San was excited, while Jongho put his hand over his mouth.

"I'll never get used to it here..." he complained.

"Yeah, stupid for you that you're the only one with destiny magic, so you have to go every first time." I gave him a comforting pat on the shoulder and then looked around. Again we were standing in an empty hospital corridor, but this time it wasn't the delivery ward, it was the maternity ward, where the mothers with their newborn babies and pregnant women waiting to give birth were housed. Apparently little Jin had already been born, but I had also forgotten to look up the time when he was born.

"What now?" asked San, but I had to think about what to do first.

"Sannie, scan the thoughts in the realm to see if anyone thinks the name Seokjin." I told him and started to cast my projection. I made myself very pregnant and made a doctor's report appear.

"Oh shit... where did that come from?" Jongho exclaimed in shock when he saw my belly.

"But... But... Jonghoieee... your baby is in there." I pouted and received a disgusted look.

"The only baby I would accept from you would be a dog baby... but, if it looks like you, it's close anyway." he said wrinkling his nose.

"Awww, you want to sire a shapeshifter with me? I heard there are rituals to provoke magical abilities..." I started before he pressed his hand over my mouth.

"I don't want to know anything about that and I don't want to imagine it either... bahhh." I giggled against his hand, he was like a real brother to me... if I didn't know better, I'd say we shared a bloodline.

"Got it... Room 448." San informed us.

"How many people are there?" I asked him.

"Mother and child, no one else."

"Good, then I'll get admitted and become their room neighbor," I explained and marched off in the direction of registration. There I shoved my report under the nose of the nurse standing behind it.

"Hello, I'm here to induce labor tomorrow." I greeted her and she looked at the paper.

"Ah, yes... Ms. Choi... would you please fill out the registration form, I'll assign you a room." she said and handed me a form. I filled in all sorts of things that were wrong, which she would never notice, and she gave me a file she had created for me. I looked at the label on it and changed the room number from 442 to 448.

"Leave this file in the nurses' room back there, the colleagues there will take care of you... All the best for the birth," she said kindly and I thanked her and said goodbye. Without any fuss or complications, I was taken to room 448, where a beautiful young woman was sitting cross-legged on her bed, adoring a sleeping baby.

"Oh, a newcomer, welcome." she looked really nice, which I was grateful for after Namjoon's mom had really scared me off.

"Hey... I'm Y/N. Cute baby you got there..." I greeted back and sat down on the other bed.

"Oh and who are they?" she pointed curiously at San and Jongho.

"My brother and his husband, I'm here because I lent them my womb so they could have their own baby," I explained and had to stifle a laugh when I saw the look on Jongho's face. San took it with humor and pulled Jongho to him by the waist.

"And we're so grateful for that, aren't we darling?" he continued, but Jongho just grumbled.

"Oh how sweet... I think that's really great... to do something like that for your brother... You must be very close." she said with a smile.

"Yes, I would do anything for the little one." I gave him a kiss.

"Well, let's go to the cafeteria, call me if there's anything." San informed me and I nodded. The two of them would go look around and make sure our opponent didn't get too close to little Jin. He would maintain a mind link with me so that I could let him know in an emergency. Not much happened for the next few hours, I talked non-stop with Mrs. Kim, we laughed a lot and little Seokjin slept through the whole conversation.

"Y/N... I would like to take a shower... My husband isn't here yet, would you please look after Jinnie? He's sleeping in his crib, but if he wakes up, you can call me." she asked and there it was, the opportunity.

"Sure, go ahead." I assured her of my help and, smiling gratefully, she disappeared into the bathroom... well, pregnant women were trusted... luckily I wasn't an enemy, they would have kidnapped Jin by now...

"Well, you little heartbreaker, let's see if you're a witch..."

Time MagicOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz