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To avoid any confrontation, I immediately materialized in my room, as I was getting pretty tired from jumping back and forth. My energy was less depleted than if I'd had someone with me, but I wanted to jump to Yoongi again today, I was very worried about the little one... I decided to lie down and pulled my sweater over my head, threw it carelessly on my laundry chair and ran to my closet. There I also took off my pants, which flew in the same direction as the item before, and got a sleep shirt out of the closet. Wearing only my underwear, I turned towards my bed as I loosened my ponytail and let my long hair fall loosely over my shoulders as I stopped in mid-motion and stared at the grinning Jin lying on my bed with his legs crossed.

"Sexy." he said appreciatively and let his eyes wander up and down. I quickly pulled my shirt on and glared at him.

"What are you doing in my bed?" I asked him acidly.

"Testing how cozy it is and whether there's enough room to cuddle up here." he replied with a grin.

"And what makes you think you're allowed to do that?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Well, the fact that I'm currently the most likely candidate to be your destined partner." He pulled me onto the bed with him and wrapped his arms around me. He hugged me briefly, laid his head against mine and sighed before letting go of me and standing up.

"See, test passed, the bed is soft and so are you... it's fine... get some rest, see you around." he said with a smile and left my room, leaving me lying there, speechless and irritated.

"Only silly witches live here... really disturbed... some even distraught..." I muttered, shaking my head, turning over and pulling the covers over my head. A few hours later, I woke up because something was tickling my cheek. Blinking, I opened my eyes and saw Yuchan sitting on the armchair I wasn't using as a clothes pile carrier, throwing popcorn at me.

"Yah... what are you doing." I grumbled tiredly at him.

"You need to get up, Jin's gonna grill Mike if it goes any further... those two won't stop fighting." he said and I stood up, annoyed.

"Let me guess, Jin wants him to stay away from me and Mike refuses?" I asked as I got dressed again, this time aware that someone was watching me, although it didn't bother me as much with Yuchan.

"That's how it started, then they argued about who got to cook, then Mike turned the food over in the cast iron pan with the metal spatula and Jin almost killed him," he explained.

"Jonghooooo," I shouted as I stepped into the hallway, whereupon he came stumbling out of his room.

"Yah, Noona... Don't scare me like that." he grumbled, but I ignored it.

"Date... Quick!" I called out impatiently.

"3.01.2009 2:08pm." he informed me after a moment's thought.

"Thanks." I said curtly and left him to hurry into the kitchen. there I stepped next to Jin, who was talking at Mike while Mike threatened him with the wooden spoon.

"I don't care what you say, I say chili powder is better than chili paste." he lamented while Jin shook his head wildly. I grabbed him by the ear and pulled him away from the actor.

"Time out, you're coming with me now," I ordered and I was already standing in front of Yoongi's grandmother's house with Jin, whose ear I was still holding.

"Behave yourself," I ordered him and he nodded, swallowing.

"I like it when you're so bossy..."

"Shut up." He was actually quiet at last, so I just turned to the door and rang the bell. Yoongi opened the front door, he was a teenager now but his eyes were teary red.

"Noona... please... Noona, help me... Halmoni sat down in her TV chair and now she won't wake up.... please Noona, can you wake her up, she won't listen to me?" he held on to my arm and, gripped by a bad premonition, I looked at Jin. He looked compassionately at the crying Yoongi, put an arm around him and led him into the kitchen, where he sat him down on a chair and talked to him soothingly. Meanwhile, I went into the living room, saw Halmoni slumped on her armchair and slowly walked towards her. With tears in my eyes, I held my hand under her nose... no breath came... I gently stroked her cheek and noticed that she was already cold. She had probably been dead for a few hours and the overwhelmed Yoongi didn't want to believe it. Sadly, I ran into the kitchen.

"Jin, please call the ambulance." I instructed him before kneeling down in front of Yoongi and taking his hands.

"Sweetheart... I'm so sorry, but we can't wake her up anymore... your Halmoni is sleeping forever..." I explained to him gently, but he had already known, I could see it in his eyes, which were filled with pain, he threw himself into my arms and cried unrestrainedly.

"What am I supposed to do now? I only have her... I don't want to go to my parents, they don't want me anyway... Please Noona... bring my Halmoni back..." his crying got louder, he sounded so desperate. Sniffling, I hugged him to me.

"Everything will be fine... I'm here for you... I won't leave you alone until your parents are here..." I knew it wasn't ideal and he wouldn't stay with his parents for long anyway, but there was nothing else to do, where else was he going to go? I couldn't stay here, nor could I take him with me... I felt so incredibly sorry for him, his grandmother had been his everything and such a dear soul... it was so incredibly sad, I cried almost as much as he did...

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