36-38: Supervisor

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Chapter 36 The supervisor's

day at work at the Curse Spirit Retention Center:

After changing into uniforms (unexpectedly, they were made of good materials), equipment You can draw your gun at any time, no need to apply (this is not very clear). Permissions have been opened, and you have the qualifications to go to the area above the third floor (the above-ground area); observe whether there are any abnormal situations at any time, and do not enter or leave the containment room casually; record all the information seen with the naked eye, including the situation in the containment room; hand over the senior Organize and classify his documents; if you see items in the corridor that should not be in the corridor, clean them up in time.

"What makes us better here than outside is that we don't have strict superiors and subordinates."

The senior introduced kindly.

"There are no complicated interpersonal relationships. You don't need to bring tea and water to people in the office or flatter them. It doesn't matter whether you see them next time or not, huh? What do you mean? Well, it's nothing. I mean, as long as you do it If you have a good job and live a good life, you will earn it, you know?" "

Oh, by the way, one more thing, although it is a civilian job, in order to cultivate the courage and perseverance of employees, we do not encourage any employees when they encounter problems Turn around and run away. Even if there may be a 'problem' that you absolutely cannot solve, please face it head on. Every battle you fight that is not worth mentioning, even if it is of little use, oh, I mean, will definitely bring benefits to the company. "

Our internship period is very short. It's only one day. You don't have to worry about not being able to receive orders from your supervisor and being excluded from core employees. Every employee is equally important in the supervisor's heart. Tomorrow , I will take you to the central headquarters to enter the information, and then choose a department that suits you, and enjoy your last days."

He is really nice, but he doesn't speak well and always uses the wrong words.

You can't expect people from the ghetto to have read a book if they put on a suit. Mimori Shinobu is very tolerant in this regard.

He thought the work could be as difficult as an ordinary club, and he didn't see a single cursed spirit in the holding room upstairs. Also, if there are only a few of them, they are not allowed to be hidden.

It is indeed a hollow center.

The purpose of his coming here is not really to work for others, he still needs to get in touch with the upper management here as soon as possible.

What's better about Mimori Shinobu than the people in those families is that he can let go of his figure very well.

The relaxing day passed. When Mimori Shishin came downstairs, he met a young girl with long brown hair. She wore two hairpins and a dull hair on top of her head. She looked gentle and easy to talk to.

"Hello, I am Hod, the director of the training department. I am responsible for training new employees. Although civil servants do not need any training, and my supervisor does not approve of me coming to visit civilian employees, I still want to come and see you. Have you started to adapt to the company's work? ?" The girl's voice was thin, with hesitation in her expression, and she was very worried about Mimori Shishin.

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