Chapter 55

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Erica's POV;

Once Isabella was gone I opened my office door and came face to face with Andrea. "If you're still here I guess it's safe to assume Mika hasn't left either" I said "Mika loves you to death so just the thought of you being mad at her is eating her up inside the poor girl barely slept last night" said Andrea "Well maybe she should have thought about that before she decided to keep something like that from me" I replied. Andrea pushed her way into my office but stopped in her tracks when she saw everything on the floor that I had knocked off my desk.

"Were you seriously that mad that you were in here throwing a tantrum?" She said going over and picking up the papers from the floor completely unaware of what had just occurred just moments before she came to my office. I decided not to say anything and let her think that because I knew that Isabella wasn't comfortable with people knowing what we do alone. Just then I heard Andrea gasp as she looked at her hand. "What is this sticky wetness on your desk, Ew have you been eating in here?" She asked. Well......define eating, I thought to myself.

Just the she turned around and my eyes went wide when I saw Isabella's fluids on her hand. I immediately grabbed a wipe from my shelves and went over to Andrea before grabbing her wrist and wiping her hand. "Geez I could have did that myself what is wrong with you it's just juice" she said seeing the panicked expression on my face. "It's strawberry flavored you're allergic I don't want you to touch your face with it by accident" I said making up a good excuse on the spot "Oh.....Okay" she said looking at me oddly before she went to try and continue to clean up the mess me and Isabella made but I stopped her.

"Don't touch anything I'll clean it up, how about you go back downstairs and I'll consider listening to you and Mika's sad excuses" I said Andrea sighed "Your being unreasonable you act as if you had no idea that your brother had feelings for Yuri" she said "Yes But I Didn't Know That They Were Fucking Andrea!?!" I shouted at her. Just thinking about the entire situation was making my blood boil.

I took a deep breath trying to clam myself down before speaking again. "Andrea just leave my office I have other work to do and I'm tried" I said "Erica-" she said but I cut her off "Not right now" I said she sighed before walking to the door "You can't stay mad about this forever it happened years ago sooner or later you need to let it go" said Andrea before leaving my office. I shut the door behind her before letting out a breath.

Isabella's POV;

I thought about everything as the warm shower water ran down my body. It's hard to believe that she has been protecting me this entire time but it was like a weight was lifted off my shoulders now that I have answers to the questions that had lingered in my head for a while now. I also found myself thinking about what had happened just moments ago and the indescribable feeling of pleasure I felt at her every touch. My heart pounded hard against my chest as I thought about how she touched me, the way she whispered in my ear and the how she kissed my lips in a way that'll make you believe that she was trying to savor every single taste.

I had never felt the way she made me feel every time we indulged in alone time together. Sure I had my first kiss back in middle school and my first time back in high school but every time she takes me for herself it feels as if I'm experiencing all of it for the very first time. Just then there was a knock on the bathroom door but before I could answer, it swung open and someone walked inside.

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't terrified, "H-Hello?" I called out just then a hand snaked around my waist causing me to quickly turn around only to see that it was Erica in the shower with me. "Relax darling it's just me" she said I sighed a breath of relief I guess I'm lugging around a bit of PTSD.

"Why are you naked?!" I asked flustered and embarrassed at the sight of her smooth silky bare tan skin. "How else am I supposed to shower? You made quite the mess earlier it's only right that you take responsibility and clean me up" she said my face went red and my body hot I wasn't sure if it was because of the temperature of the water or the  extremely tall and sexy, goddess like woman standing in front of me.

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