Seeing the idea that ellie dis appeared from the face of cyber earth was disconcerting but I did not want to compromise her location until she popped back up. I was do sorry for her that she fear this aziz dude someone she once loved and had to disappear to get away with her. I could not call or text her. That was when she finally called and said that she just there. I was relieved to be honest with you.

I was asking were she was and what had happened to her in the first place. I wanted to knownwhy she moved to LA. But I could not answer to many questions as this would hurt her in the end. So I just hung up and kept my mouth shut.

This Micheal or aziz was someone must have been in some shady stuff for her to move way on que.

"Came and see the news!" Jay said.

"What is it....."

"A hijacking the subject is one Micheal  someone or another."

I should have known that he was going to a horrible person.   Then new anchor said that he did this not out religious religious but because his lover when ellie Avent broke up with him and gave their love child for adoption......he was a former prison guard and TSA agent.  Who just snapped.  Then they should the picture of the guy.

"God damn it, what did she see in him.?" Flew out of my mouth.

I knew she was crazy in livenwith him at first but then this happened.  I was sick to my stomach.  I could not deal with the blow by blow.  I was embarrassed to sake hands with the devil.  "What the fuck!"

I did not know what to thingl at this pointed Then I, fed up, went to make supper and then Jay said that  the plane went  poof.  I did mouthing of this..... I was not hungry for dinner.   This was to sick.

"Jay, put on Ted or Ted 2.instead you know how to use netflix."


Then Ted was on but still  I was not hungry for food.  That was when I decided I had to tell her that Micheal was gone along with a plane full of people.   I had room vomit and I did before mustering up.the courage to tell her.   Not that she cared but she would have cared about he 100s of people.who are gone.

"Hey Elisa, that psycho you met just blew himself up on a fucking plane."

I was sick again just sent the damn text.

It would not be hours later after watching Ted and Ted2 that my phone went off.  She was devastated at this thought that he would do something like this.
I did not havebdhe mental capacity to deal with anything anymore from the seeing the fucking news.

The next morning I went and chased the paper boy away front yard.....I did not want to deal with the news anymore.   I was afraid I was going to be sick.

"Why did chase the paper boy away like that?"

"Because I need to eat breakfast  with out hurling!"

"What is wrong with you!"

"Jay I was born in shit war zone as a kid and this stuff makes me throw up.   I just want to eat and go one with my life"

"Wow, just wow!" He said.  "Fuck could've told me about this.   Now I have a basketball case for a girl friend."

This whole blow up was infront of the neighbors I could not have been more embarrassed but then nor was Jay.

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