funny how things just fall together part 1

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*February 2015*


"Hey Adam! How's life in LA?" I heard Ellie Goulding ask me as she came over to my table at the ELLE Style Awards.

I had just recently broken up with my girlfriend and had been moping around a bit while also throwing myself into new music ventures.

"Oh, you know.... Sunny, hot, same old LA!" I joked in response.

"You here alone?"

"Yeah....just me. I have to present an award." I replied, trying not to sound miserable. I was only in London for this and the Brits tomorrow.

"Well you should come hang out with my friends and I! Dougie is there so you won't be the only guy....and you can meet some of my other friends!" Ellie said excitedly

"You have other friends?" I teased, trying to sound shocked. This made her scowl at me then laugh.

"Well I'll see you after the awards! We're heading to this charity funfair event but I can totally get you in." Ellie replied, smiling and waving as she made her way back across the room.


I had just sat down at my table and was waiting for the Style Awards to start when Ellie came bouncing over. I was lucky to have so many friends in London, and especially because so many of these friends were going to be at both award shows I am in town for.

"Hey Tay!" Ellie said sitting down next to me and wrapping me in a hug.

"Hey Ellie!" I replied, waving to Dougie who was just wandering over too. I liked the two of them together, they just seemed to have worked it all out and would probably stay together forever. I wish I had that sometimes.

"So Tay, is there any way I could get one of my friends into Karlie's event later? It's just he seemed really lonely and he's a really great guy...." Ellie trailed off.

"Umm....yeah I can call her. One second.... Who's your friend?" I asked as I got my phone out.

"Oh yeah.... Adam." Ellie responded, then at my confused look since I had no clue who that was she added "well you'd know him as Calvin Harris."

Calvin Harris....I'd never met him, but I knew he'd produced and written music with Ellie and the Haim sisters. They all spoke highly of him. I wasn't about to admit it to Ellie, but from photos I'd seen he was pretty handsome.

"OK, so Karlie has him on the list so we'll be able to get in!" I told Ellie just as the awards were beginning.

*after the Style Awards*

Ellie had texted me to say to meet them near the exit and we'd also go over to this event thing together. I was waiting but hadn't seen her yet. Suddenly I saw Ellie and two other girls making their way towards me laughing about something. One of the girls caught my eye. She was wearing a long green dress with her hair pulled back slightly and the most glorious smile. Of course I knew who she was- everyone knew Taylor Swift, she was basically music royalty at this point.

"ADAM! Come meet my friends!" Ellie said, obviously a little tipsy already. I walked over towards the group, smiling at their antics going on.

"So this is Cara and this is Taylor. Girls this is Calvin" Ellie announced.

I stuck out my hand to greet them, but Cara went straight in for a hug prompting Taylor to do the same. I barely had to bend down to hug Taylor which was a new experience as usually I tower over everyone so much.

"OK! Let's go people! Can't be late for those cookies!" Cara said leading us out of the venue.


You know how I wrote a line that says 'he's so tall and handsome as hell'.... well that perfectly defines Calvin. Cara, being 'Fearless Cara', went straight into a hug to greet him and I felt awkward not doing the same.
I immediately felt so comfortable with him, which barely ever happens with guys because I am hyper aware of people making up rumours these days. I was snapped out of my dreams by Cara insisting we had to get to the funfair before the Kookies ran out.

Throughout the evening Calvin was never very far from us. We introduced him to Karlie and a few other friends who were there and he was very polite. I had never really noticed his accent until now. It was incredible. I watched him charm everyone with his gorgeous dorky smile and stories about everything and anything.

"Hey should probably stop staring at him.... it's a little obvious!" Karlie whispered in my ear making me snap out of it.

" I was not staring Karlie....I was just listening!" I replied, trying to stop myself from blushing.

"Sure you weren't.... And pigs can fly too, right?" She replied sassily.

The evening soon ended and we were all headed back to our hotels and houses.

"It was my pleasure to meet you. Are you going to the Brits tomorrow?" Calvin asked as he got out of the car at his house. It was only the two of us in this car as we were headed in the same direction.

"Yeah, I'm actually performing.... opening the show apparently." I replied, grinning slightly.

"Well I will see you there, Miss Swift!" He said opening the door and getting out.

"See you tomorrow Mr. Harris!" I replied, making us both burst into laughter as he walked up his path and the car started moving again.

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