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I will be completely honest, sometimes I hated going to Las Vegas to do shows. Sometimes I just wanted to stay at home and relax and actually go to bed, instead of travelling there to play a show and travel back, all in one night really. What made it more difficult is the fact that I went to bed quite late anyways, mostly after Taylor did, and then she would be up early to either go to the gym or the studio and we wouldn't actually really see each other awake for a couple of days, especially if she stayed at her place because I wasn't around. I missed her, and the stupid Vegas shows meant that I wouldn't see her even more.

"You ready to go?" Theo called out from the front door.

I was heading to Vegas with some of the guys to do a show and hopefully have a good night, but I knew they could all see that I was sort of miserable.

"Cheer up mate!" Charlie said, with a cheeky grin on his face, "You can see your girlfriend as soon as we are back in the morning. I'm sure she won't mind an early morning surprise wake up!"

"Shut up Charlie." I said gruffly, getting into the car and ignoring their antics.


Adam and I were like ships passing in the night these days. Usually he would be out late and I would be out early, saying very few actual words to each other for days.

Today I was supposed to have meeting until late and then dinner with friends, while Adam was in Vegas, but my meetings finished early and dinner got cancelled because of other plans coming up, keeping my friends away from the city tonight, so I was free. I checked my diary and figured out that tomorrow was relatively free until the afternoon, and still all I had was a merchandise meeting.

I made a snap decision. I was going to go to Vegas, because why not? My boyfriend was the DJ tonight anyways and all his friends would be there, and they were all my friends too now.

I texted Matthew and Charlie, not being sure who was where tonight, and asked what the plan was later on.

Charlie replied first, saying a bunch of them were en-route to Vegas and Adam was in a foul mood, but they would probably try to grab some food before his set and then would be heading back straight after, and then asking why she was asking them and not Adam directly.

I didn't reply, deciding that I would surprise them all. The logistics were pretty easy in the end, with my plan to arrive just before the start of his set working well time wise. I got myself ready and out the door in record time, ready for a fun night.

When I got there, Adam had just taken to the stage, getting everything set up. I could tell he was tense, meaning her was less likely to turn around. It was weirdly perfect.

"Hey guys!" I said, sliging my arms around Theo and Burns shoulders, smiling at Charlie and a couple of other guys there.

"TAYTAY! What the heck are you doing here? How are you here?" Charlie asked immediately, taking a swig of his beer.

"I thought I could enjoy a fun night off with all my favorite boys! And maybe surprise mr grumpy pants up there." I said, nodding my head towards Adam, who had just started playing music. I could tell Adam didn't really want to be there by the tone of his voice – it didn't have the oomph it usually had when he was playing shows, it sounded worn down and slightly pissed off.

"Well... anything to get him out of his funk!" Burns said laughing slightly, "Do you want a drink?"

While we went over to get drinks I thought about the best way to surprise Adam. We had become a lot more open with our relationship recently...but was I ready to just go up on stage and surprise him there? I felt ready, but would he be annoyed?

"Hey guys? How do you think Adam would react if I went up on stage? Like would he be pissed?" I asked them, using them as a sounding board.

"That would be freaking awesome! Everyone would FREAK!" Charlie said, laughing his head off.

"We could work this out.... It would be good though! Maybe towards the end of the set?" Theo said.

"Or sooner rather than later? His set sucks when he's being a downer! It's meant to a be a party, not a funeral!" Burns said, making us all laugh at how exasperated he was getting.

"Okay then.... Let's give it another 20 minutes so he's about half way through and then we'll get you up there!" Charlie said.

"Dance off time!" Burns called out, getting us all up and dancing like crazy people. Luckily the area we were in right now was not too visible from the stage or anywhere else, so it was unlikely anyone, especially Adam, knew I was here.

20 minutes went by really quickly and soon we were all creeping towards the steps up to stage really carefully, like ninjas.


I was about half way through the set and was willing time to pass quicker. The faster I got this over and done with the faster I got back to LA and the more likely it was that I could actually see Taylor.... But I had a set duration for my show and I couldn't really shorten it without getting some flak for it.

I was just about to set up the nest few songs when I felt two hands snake around my waist and a warm breath on the back of my neck. I looked down at the hands and realised they were very familiar. I grab one of the hands and turned around to come face to face with my girlfriend. Taylor got up on her tiptoes and leaned towards my ear.

"Surprise!" She whispered gently.

I couldn't help but smile. Somehow she knew that I needed to see her.

"What are you doing here? When did you get here?" I asked her, not really paying attention to the crowd and letting the music play.

"I got here at the beginning of the show and I've been hanging out with the guys, but now I am right here, next to you! Are you surprised?" She said, grinning from ear to ear.

"Best surprise ever! One second." I said turning back to the crowd and switching some things on the set list around, "Ladies and gentlemen, give it up for Taylor Swift!" I called out to the crowd as R3hab's remix of wildest dreams (with my own added flair) started to play through the speakers and everyone cheered. Taylor blushed and smiled at everyone.

"Do you want to stay up here for the rest of the show?" I asked her.

"I think I'll go back down to the guys, but I'll still be here when you're done... and then it's you and me on my plane while the guys take yours and straight home afterwards." She said, giving me a smile and a little wink as she made her way down the stairs.


I loved hanging out with my other boys, and I got to do it quite often since at least one of them was always hanging around Adam's house during the day and sometimes staying the night as well.

We danced, we played a drinking game, we played mini pranks on Adam's security guys, and we cheered our heart out for Adam. As soon as his set finished I felt him come up behind me and spin me around.

"Get a room!" Charlie said as Adam kissed me.

"We have a whole plane thank you very much.... See you tomorrow!" Adam said, taking my hand and dragging me out, but not before I heard Theo cheer and Burns groan.

"I'll take that $300 now.... I TOLD you he wouldn't be able to keep his hands off her as soon as he got off stage, there was no way we would be taking the same plane back." Theo said, holding out his hand.

I threw my head back and laughed as we left the club and made out way to the car.

"Your friends are awesome babe! Really awesome!" I told Adam, as he slid into the car next to me and pulled me close to him.

"Sometimes they are.... They are always on their best behaviour around you!" He said laughing at his memories of the various antics they all got up to.

Wildest Dreams (Tayvin)Where stories live. Discover now