My Favourite Men

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A little random mini one shot because I got a fun yeah!! Enjoy...I hope....

JUNE 2017

"Are you sure this is what you want to do?" Adam asked Taylor as they sat in the backyard, enjoying each other's company and watching the sunset in the distance.

"It will be fun... and they've all been speculating anyways...." Taylor replied, smiling up at him.

They had just gotten back from a week in Nashville, followed by a couple of days in Florida to go out on Scott's boat and to celebrate Father's day. It had been a lot of fun, especially as Taylor and Austin always turned into two 10 year olds when they were together.

The whole last year had been amazing for Taylor and Adam. Taylor had taken a well-deserved break for about 10 months after the BBMAs before starting to record again. Right now she was almost finished her next album, already declaring it her favourite album (even though she said that EVERY album). Some of the songs were love songs, the kind of songs Taylor never thought she would be able to write well, the sort of songs that Ed Sheeran wrote and she was always jealous of. Those were her favourite songs. But she also had some fun, upbeat songs, and some with a distinct rock vibe to them. Adam had even produced a song for her album, which they had written together while sitting in bed one morning watching reality TV. Adam had continued releasing singles every so often, not wanting to be tied down to an album, and each time they did really well, soaring up the charts. They were now living together at Adam's property, with their brood of furry children, just taking life day by day. Taylor knew that everything was going to change in the next year, but hopefully all the changes would be good and exciting. She was the happiest she had ever been, and nothing – not even the media or frenemies – could change that.

"Okay, then post it." Adam said, giving Taylor a kiss on the crown of her head.

"Here goes nothing...." Taylor said, captioning the photo she had chosen to post and biting her lip slightly as she immediately saw people liking it when she posted it, linking it to Tumblr, Twitter, and Facebook.

"I'm going to take that away from you now." Adam said, smirking as she tried to grab her phone back from him. "How about we go and find some food for dinner, then eat in front of a movie?"

"Oh god, yes! I'm starved!" Taylor said dramatically, making them both burst into laughter.

"You're always hungry babe." Adam said rolling his eyes as Taylor shrugged, and wrapped his arm around her shoulders as they walked back inside.

Meanwhile the internet was going into meltdown over the photo she had posted. It was a simple photo, nothing out of the ordinary really, of Adam and Scot standing next to each other, each holding up a fish they had just caught. It was the caption that was getting everyone into a tizzy.

"Happy Father's Day to my two favourite men."

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