Chapter One Us

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"Come on Liam, they're all gone now!" I said to him pounding on the door.

"No they aren't Paisley, they never are!" he shouted at me from in his room.

"Come on let me in, your mum is going to be home any moment, she will worry if I'm not in your room!" I said.

"Fine!" he said opening it.

"Took you long enough! So what happened this time?" I asked him.

"They heard me singing," he said throwing a pillow to the ground.

"Liam, don't be scared of them anymore. You ditched me one summer going off to some boxing camp, then I was stuck seeing my family in America. You're stronger than they are, so why be scared?" I asked him.

"I don't know," he said looking down, then his mum came walking in the door.

I can never forget that conversation I had with him for some reason. We were fourteen. I can't believe that was only a year ago. We met one day, when we were about eight, when he was getting picked on by two boys, and I told them to back off of him, or else my daddy would come. People were always scared of me, because my father protected the queen for a while.

I remember seeing his brown scared eyes, he was there on the ground with a black eye. Then he said to me, "You have beautiful blue eyes, like the Mediterranean Sea." By that time, I knew we would be best friends.

My name is Paisley Paige Parker, and his name was Liam James Payne. We were pretty much connected. Nobody knows about me though. Well, I guess it's because I'm home schooled. Liam went to school without me every day, but I would be there sitting in a tree waiting for him to walk out those school doors, every day, no matter what the weather was like, or if I was sick. I would help him with homework, because I was pretty much able to go to college by age fourteen, but I didn't want to leave Liam behind.

I had brown hair, and bright blue eyes. My eyes were amazing. Its like there was a whole separate universe in them. They were different from everybody else's. I was different, but Liam saw me as beautiful. We even would sneak off to somewhere in Wolverhampton, and sing random songs together. We always would sing. We were pretty much sibling that never fought. We would go on vacations with one another. We even went to each others family events. We never left the other behind. I always would call him my friend, because I thought lad wasn't enough, I liked friends a lot better for some random reason.

When Liam was told to come back to the X Factor in two years, he wouldn't stop singing, but I can listen to him all day, and I don't even care. I would give him random songs to sing, and he would be perfect. For duet songs, I would sing the other part. We would just laugh and smile. When ever he went to sing somewhere, I was either backstage, or in the crowd listening to him. I was the one who kept him from being nervous. He is my best friend, and always will be.

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