Chapter Fifty-Four Little Laugh

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"I want to be with Harrold!" Lou shouted at everybody.

"What if I want to be with you!?" Zayn asked.

"I want to be with Zayn! He's pretty cool!" Jace said.

"I want to be with Jace!" Conner shouted.

"Ladies! Ladies! Calm down, you're all pretty!" I shouted leaving us real girls laughing while all of the boys argued over who is going to be on the same team as who.

"Us three girls will decide the teams. It will most likley be one British with one American!" Niall made a fake cry, "The Irish one is counted on the British side."

Us girls went walking away to for a circle, "I already planned this out." They nodded, and we went walking back over to the group of arguing boys. "Okay, the teams are Zayn and Duke, Louis and Jace, Niall and Logan, Harry and Jess, Liam and Conner, then me and Sophie. No complaining or else you're stuck watching!" I said looking at Lou, he just whistled and walked over to the kart him and Jace were in.

"Why did you choose me as your partner?" Sophie asked me as we walked over to my kart.

"Because last time we were together, we kicked ass!" I said and we high fived eachother.

"And why Jess and Harry?" she asked giving me that smile like I did something wrong.

"I'm setting them up. Harry would turn less into a flirt, and so he won't go out with Taylor Swift." She nodded in agreement as we started up the kart.

"Rules: It's a race around the normal, so the track," Conner said making quotation marks with his hands for the last word, "is about 15 minutes at the least. Other than that, there aren't any!" Conner smiled, and sat down.

The route was around the whole town. The thing that you have to worry about the most is not to be first or last until the very end. The police always try to catch us when we do this. We don't get in trouble for it, they just like watching us get pissed off for getting behind. Jess's Dad is the chief, and Conner's oldest brother is one of the cops, and all of the others just do it to try to be funny. Luckily none of the British idiots know that, but also they have one of us who do, so who knows who will win. Also Duke's dad is the Mayor, so if we get in trouble by a new cop, we still won't get in trouble.

Everybody was in, ready to go. I just came up with the best idea! I stood up out of our kart. "Hey everybody! We are going to do three reaces today. The first race will be Americans drive, second will be British drive, and the third will be the two winners for a final first place winner!" Everybody nodded in agreement, and some people switched their drivers for American round.

"What if a team wins both rounds?" Liam asked smirking.

I smiled, "Then Soph and I would be the winners, and we don't have to race ourselves."

"I'm not gunna let that happen," he said smiling walking up to me.

"Are you sure?" I asked moving towards him.

He came down to my ear and whispered, "It's a promise." Then we both turned around back to our karts. We sat down, "You're going down Payno!" I yelled. He smiled and shook his head.

(Liam's POV)

"You're going down Payno!" she said. I just smiled and shook my head.

"Hey Liam, I bet you and Paisley's team make it to the finals!" I heard Niall say.

"What's the bet?" I asked.

"Oh, the double date one we did a while ago," he said. A part of me really wanted to do it, but the other part thought it would be risky. Niall's hand stuck out past Logan, I reached out and shook it. He was making an evil smile. "Harry is a pretty good racer Horan," I said.

My "Best" Friend (Liam Payne)Where stories live. Discover now