Chapter Seventeen Time

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(Paislely's POV)

After staying in the closet with Mason until three o'clock in the morning. We all went back to Sophie's. We just talked about what the girls did during Truth or Dare. Then the girls asked what happened with Mason and me. I said that we talked, I got asked on a date, and that we kissed. They all screamed, and asked questions about the kiss. I just said that there was a spark. Nothing else.

"Guys, something else happened," I said getting on my phone.

"What happened?!" they all screamed.

"Two words. One Direction."

"What?" Sophie asked confused.

"Twitter, they all started following me last night at two o'clock in the morning. Which was about eight o'clock in the morning, if they were in England."

"Well, it's five o'clock right now, do you think they were talking about you?" Jess asked me.

"I think either Liam or Harry told them about me."

"Wait, Harry?!" Jess screamed.

"Yeah, when I first saw the whole band, Harry walked me home, got my number, and kissed me."

"You have Harry Styles's number?!" Quinn screamed.

"Yeah, right here," I showed them his contact.

"Call him! Or else I don't believe it's his number," Sophie stepped in.

"Um, okay. He might not pick up though."

"There's voicemail for a reason," Sophie said. And I pressed the call button putting it on speaker.

"You girls better not scream, or even say one word!" They all nodded.

Ring Ring Ring

"Hello?" I heard his voice, he must have been up for a while. I heard all of the boys in the background.

"Hi Harry."



"We just found out that you and Liam are best friends! Is this true?"



"Look, my friends didn't belive that I had your number, so I called you. You doing good?"

"Yeah. Isn't it like five o'clock there?"

"Yeah, there was a party."


"Yeah, I have to get talking with my friends again."

"Wait Paisley!"


"Can you talk to Liam, he saw your video and couldn't stop watching it. He fell asleep, but he woke up a couple minutes ago with really puffy eyes."

"Well, if he saw the video, he knows everything that I have to say."

"I think he was ready to cry when he heard you sing."

"Wait, you guys saw that?"

"Yeah, you're really good."

"I've heard that a lot lately. Look, just put Liam on the phone."

"It's on speaker. Niall, Zayn, Louis, and I have been here the whole time."

"Hi lads." I was so embarrased. Then Jess screamed. "Jess shut up!"

"Who was that?" Niall asked.

"My friend, sorry, I think she's a fan."

They all laughed. "I see why you and Liam are close." Louis said.


"Can you please talk to Liam?" Zayn asked.

"Fine, but not for long!" They all sounded relieved.

"Liam! Come here!" I heard Zayn yell. Then I could hear the phone getting passed around.

Then I heard his voice. "Hello?"

"Hi Liam."

"Paisley. Is this really you?"

"Yeah, it is."

"You have know idea how sorry I am."

"It's fine. I forgot about it." Lie.


"Liam, I think we should just take time apart. You know, get to experiment our new lives."

I could hear him melt. "Will I get to ever see you?"

"I don't know. Probably later in life. Bye Liam." I hung up the phone, or else I would start crying again.

"I forgot, will you tell us what happened now?" Sophie asked, "We are your friends."

"I think you guys should know, since his friends do," I said. Then I started the story.

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