Chapter Twenty Tickets

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It's been a week since Mason and I have been dating. The paparazzi needs to seriously leave me alone. They are following me every where. So much for Liam fixing this. I bet this wasn't an accident! He just wants me to talk to him, so of course he does something like this. Mason has protected me though. He has been perfect, I don't know why Sophie was worried about him, but when I told her we are dating, she smiled and was happy for me. Do you think she was lying? Oh well.

Ring Ring Ring


"Hi honey!"


"Yes, I haven't talked to you in forever!"

"Yeah, I miss you."

"Not for long!"


"I've been talking to your father, and we have agreed to let you, Dixie and a friend fly out for two weeks and come visit!"

"Oh my gosh! Mum! Really!?"

"Yep! Your father has the tickets right now down stairs. See you in three days!"

"Wait three-" then she hung up on me. Three days? I better call Sophie.

Ring Ring Ring


"Hey Soph, look I know it's late notcie, but do you want to go to Britain with me?"

"Oh my gosh! Of course I do!"

"We leave in three days, for two weeks straight."

"I'll be ready!" she said then hung up the phone.

I ran down the steps, looking all over for Father. I couldn't find him, but I did find the tickets sitting there in the study. Then there was a note on top of it.

Dear Paisley,

I won't see you until you get home. I've gone on a business trip with your uncle. Your aunt will help you pack and take you and your friend to the airport. Love you!


Well, that saves some time of getting told all of the rules. I'm going to miss Mason though. I don't know what I'm going to do for two weeks with Sophie and Dixie. We'll probably go shopping and have some fun around England. It feels like something is going on though. I mean, my mum called me and hung up, then my dad left a four sentence letter. What???


Sophie, Dixie, and I boarded the plain. Suit cases packed and everything! I warned them about the whole jet lag thing that will really hit them. Then I started to tell her stories about Liam and me, while Dixie fell asleep.

"We had this watergun fight, and he had ice water, while I had steaming hot water. I won."

"I saw that all of them followed you on Twitter."

"Yeah, don't even talk about that."

"I followed them."

"Have fun with that."

"They followed me back."


"Because you were in my twitpic."

"Oh my Soph."

"The blonde one sent me a direct messege."


"Yeah, he's cute."

"He laughs a lot."

"Yeah..." she looked worried.

"Soph, you look like you're hiding something."

"Well, um, ugh!"

"What Soph?"

"We aren't the only ones going to Wolverhampton."


"All five of them are, and they said your mom is hosting some neighborhood party, and is kicking out all of us to hang out around town. She apparently is making us hang with them practically all two weeks." Then the plain landed. Sophie nudged Dixie to get up. Then soon enough, I was in my mum's arms. We got into the car, and left.


We pulled up to my old flat. I missed this place. Then Mum yelled, "Kevin! Come out here!" Kevin was a boy looking around the age of ten. He looked like he was from Germany. I guess my mum is taking care of somebody new, since she can't take care of me. Dixie went running up to him, asked if he wanted to play tag, then went running off. Then Mum yelled, "Boys! You too! Get out here!" That's when I saw them. All five of them. Sophie looked excited to meet Niall for the first time, but I was scared to see Liam after a long time.

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