Chapter Fifty-Five Something

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(Friday Night) (Back at New York)

"Hey, the boys are going to pick us up tomorrow morning at eight," Sophie said as she unlocked the door into our apartment.

I went walking in, and dropped everything on the ground, then fell onto our white couch with many pillows. The lights were still off, but I could see my couch with the light coming through our windows from the streets. Sophie turned on the lights. The place was exactly how it was before we left. I grabbed the remote to the tele. Crap! To the T.V., not tele, I'm getting my old words back from those boys. I still have the accent, and I figured out my American words, but those stupid boys are changing me back! I'll hit them later. I turned on the T.V. to see the news channel pop up.

"Hey Paisy! Do you want a drink?" Sophie asked me from the kitchen. Well, the kitchen and living room are practically the same room, there is just the counter and stools splitting them apart.

"What do we have?" I asked.

"Absolutely nothing right now," she said closing the fridge.

"Water sounds great actually!" I said laughing.

"I think I'll have the same thing!" she said bringing over two glasses of water for the both of us.

"And new rising star! A girl who was originally from England, who moved to America as a teen, and is now opening for her long time best friend. News about her will be after this short break," the chick on the TV said smiling with my picture in the corner of the screen. Then the news went to a commercial.

"Oh come on Paisy, do we have to watch the news?" she asked getting comfortable in the red love seat. "We will just watch their artical about me! Then I'll put on something else." She nodded then the news came back on.

"What do you think when you hear the name Paisley Parker? Liam Payne's old best friend. She lived in the same hometown as him, and they were best friends there. But then Liam went on the show the X Factor in 2010 and Paisley moved to the state of Iowa with her father after her parents divorced. She finished out high school in Iowa, then went to college at the Manhattan School of Music here in New York. She auditioned during her senior year of high school as the opening act for a One Direction concert on December third. She made it past many rounds of cutting many people, then she was in the final two, and won a sing off against another girl, that actually went to the same high school together. Wow, that must be a very talented school in Iowa," she said laughing at the end.

"Yes, but what about Liam?" the man next to her asked, "What are they? Just friends, or something more?"

"We'll find out during their live interview at eleven tomorrow morning," the woman said.

We were both quiet. Then I burst out laughing. Soph looked at me like I was an idiot. "Oh, they aren't going to get the answer that they want tomorrow," I said getting up and heading to my room. My striped blue, green and white bed was all neatly made, my white walls with many picture frames and posters were still up, my black desk with my laptop was on top, then my blue curtains were open showing the city out of the three separate windows. I turned on the lamp next to my bed, and plugged my phone in its charger for the night.

I looked over at my piano keyboard, with the little nightstand next to it with a stack of my songs I'm working on. I pulled out all of my finished songs, and the one unfinished, from by bag. They all looked good, so I put them in a pile with everything that I'll need for tomorrow nights rehersal.

I turned on the keyboard, and played the first song I learned when I was younger, Yankee Doodle. Dad taught me it. I finished smiling. I heard my phone go off. I ran over so I wouldn't disturb Sophie. It was a call from Liam.

My "Best" Friend (Liam Payne)Where stories live. Discover now