Chapter Eighteen Flashes

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I found a beautiful white acoustic guitar in the basement, which also had a black grand piano and a lot of other acoustic guitars. It was three o'clock. I went outside with guitar in hand. I sat down, and started playing some more. I heard the door open.

"Hey Paisley, what are you doing?"

"Just playing the guitar Dix."

"Can you teach me?"

"Sure! Go grab your favorite one."

"I've always liked the pink one."

"Go and get it, then I'll teach you some cords." She went running inside, then I heard some cars pulling in up front, and people talking. "She lives here?" somebody asked. People kept saying yes.

"I'm back!" Dixie shouted with the pink acoustic guitar in hand."

"Hey Dix, go inside. I'll meet you in there in a minute. Take this with." I handed her my guitar, and she did as told.

I was curious to see what was going on up front. I started walking up there. Nobody noticed me. There were loads of people standing at the front door. Some people were taking pictures, on their phones, or looking at some magazine. I didn't see what was on the magazine. I just looked at them. Then somebody turned around and yelled, "There she is!" People started running after me taking pictures.

I didn't know what to do. Somebody handed me a magazine. I looked at it, and saw the picture I gave Liam the day he went to bootcamp to keep in his phone case. The top said, "WHO IS SHE?" People were all around me. Questions were coming to me left and right.

"How do you know Liam?"

"Are you two dating?"

"Why does he have a picture of you?"

"Is he cheating on Danielle with you?"

"How did you two meet?"

"Why are you here?"

"Are you a fan of One Direction?"

"Do you sing?"

I didn't really know what to say. I was shocked that somebody got a hold of that pictures that shouldn't have. Then somebody took my hand and started pulling me. I looked up and saw that it was Mason. He looked back at me and shouted to run. We went running around to the back. People were still chasing after me. The flashes kept going off. Picture after picture. Then we went inside, and locked the door. Dixie was standing there, staring at us.

"Paisley, what's going on? Why are they out there?"

"Dixie, have you heard of One Direction?"

"Yeah, I watched them on British X Factor, I voted for them."

"Well, Liam was my best friend over there. Those people taking pictures found out, and were looking for me."

"Really!!! You know Liam?!" Luckily she didn't care about the paparazzi out there.

"Yeah Dix," I said laughing a little.

"That's awesome Paisley! How come you never told me?"

"Because we got into a fight, so I don't like talking about him."

"Oh. Hi Mason!" Dixie said waving to him. And then I realized something.

We were still holding hands.

(Liam's POV)

"Boys! I can't find the picture!" I shouted running through the flat trying to find them.

"What?" Niall asked coming down the staircase.

"I can't find the picture of Paisley and me. It's gone!"

"What's Liam freaking out about?" Zayn asked with Harry and Louis behind him.

"The picture is gone! If the wrong person finds that, I'm dead!"

"It's got to be here somewhere." Harry said.

"I've looked all over, it's not!"

"Do you think you lost it last night when we all went out? Remember the paparazzi found us." Louis said.

"Well, it's not with me." I looked outside, and saw people pulling up, with camera's in hands.

"Liam, I think they found it." Harry said.

"I better call Paisley." I grabbed my phone.

Ring Ring Ring

"Hello? Liam?"


"What's going on?"

"They found you?"

"Yeah they found me! What the hell?"

"It must have fallen out of my pocket last night! I'm sorry!"

"Liam, they think that you're cheating on some chick named Danielle with me!"


"Yeah really!" Then I heard a screech behind Paisley. "Dixie shut up! This is important."

"She a fan?" I asked her laughing.

"Ignore that! Liam, you have to fix this! Mason took me away, and they got pictures of us. All of your fans probably hate me."

"I'll take care of the fans, and the paparazzi, but who's Mason?"

"A friend," she started whispering, "maybe more soon."

"What?! Why didn't you tell me?!"

"Yeah, like you told me about your girl."

"Fair enough."

"Fix this!"

"I will." Then she hung up the phone.

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